.. _abirun.py: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``abirun.py`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This script allows the user to submit the calculations contained in the AbiPy Flow (for further detail, consult the :ref:`taskmanager` documentation). .. command-output:: abirun.py --help .. command-output:: abirun.py doc_scheduler .. command-output:: abirun.py . doc_manager At the time of writing (|today|), AbiPy supports the following resource managers: * ``shell`` * pbspro_ * slurm_ * IBM loadleveler_ * moab_ * sge_ * torque_ To obtain the list of options supported by a particular resource manager e.g. ``slurm``:: abirun.py . doc_manager slurm Complete command line reference .. argparse:: :ref: abipy.scripts.abirun.get_parser :prog: abirun.py