.. :Release: |version| :Date: |today| .. _scripts-index: ======= Scripts ======= This page documents the usage of the AbiPy scripts, the subcommands available and the options supported by each subcommand. To analyze the cystalline structure stored in FILE, use ``abistruct.py``. To operate on a **single** FILE, use ``abiopen.py``. To compare **multiple** FILES of the same type, use the ``abicomp.py`` script. If the analysis requires the execution of additional logic (e.g. the computation of phonons with anaddb from the DDB file), use ``abiview.py``. To generate a minimalist input file for Abinit, use ``abinp.py``. For a command line interface to the Abinit documentation, use ``abidoc.py``. Finally, use ``abicheck.py`` to validate your AbiPy + Abinit installation **before running** AbiPy flows and use ``abirun.py`` to launch Abinit calculations. .. important:: Each script provides a ``--help`` option that documents all the commands available and provides a list of typical examples. To list of the options supported by **COMMAND** use e.g. `abicomp.py COMMAND --help`. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 abistruct.rst abiopen.rst abicomp.rst abiview.rst abinp.rst abidoc.rst abicheck.rst abirun.rst