Search found 33 matches

by uma
Sat Jul 19, 2014 9:15 am
Forum: Other tools and postprocessing in ABINIT
Topic: Response calculations in 2 steps creates problems in DDB's
Replies: 4
Views: 5139

Re: Response calculations in 2 steps creates problems in DDB

Dear Boris, Many thanks for your response to my query and initiative to help. I am working on an amorphous system of 108 atoms. The job with had 2 datasets. Dataset 1 did the SCF calculations. It went through completely producing DS1_DDB. The 2nd dataset involved the displacement of 108 at...
by uma
Mon Jul 14, 2014 2:09 pm
Forum: Response calculations
Topic: All displacements in a dataset must run as a single job?
Replies: 2
Views: 3304

All displacements in a dataset must run as a single job?

I wish to get the DDB file with displacement of 108 atoms. Should I run this as a single job only..? Due to wall time restriction, I submitted the first 50 atoms as one job and then the remaining atoms displaced in the 2nd job. I have all the output files, but only 1 DDB which has only the data(2nd ...
by uma
Fri Jul 04, 2014 3:28 pm
Forum: Other tools and postprocessing in ABINIT
Topic: Response calculations in 2 steps creates problems in DDB's
Replies: 4
Views: 5139

Response calculations in 2 steps creates problems in DDB's

I am working with 108 atoms. I did the response function displacing all atoms in all directions (rfatpol 1 108). Since the job stopped in a few hours after calculating up to 20 atoms, I resubmitted the job with (rfatpol 20 108). I got 2 trf2_1.out files one for each job. Later when I used mrgddb and...
by uma
Thu Jul 03, 2014 2:27 pm
Forum: Other tools and postprocessing in ABINIT
Topic: anaddb input file of Amorphous Material[Solved]
Replies: 2
Views: 4603

Re: anaddb input file of Amorphous Material[Solved]

Thank you Matthieu..!! It worked..!!
by uma
Fri Apr 11, 2014 1:25 pm
Forum: Ground state
Topic: Structural Optimisation
Replies: 0
Views: 1532

Structural Optimisation

I am trying to do a structural optimisation on a 108 atom amorphous system. It always stops at the 6th step (ntime=6 out of 10) just before writing the charge density file. The last lines in my log file before the 'child exit'..: ioarr: writing density data ioarr: file name is AN-t81-trf2_2o_TIM6_DE...
by uma
Tue Apr 08, 2014 10:32 pm
Forum: Ground state
Topic: Structural optimisation
Replies: 0
Views: 1811

Structural optimisation

Dear ABINIT experts, I am trying to do a structural optimisation to ensure isotropic stress conditions in my choice of parameters for the ground state calculations. I am working with an amorphous system of 108 atoms. The code works fine when the scaling factor for acell is small. When I make it more...
by uma
Wed Apr 02, 2014 10:59 pm
Forum: Other tools and postprocessing in ABINIT
Topic: anaddb input file of Amorphous Material[Solved]
Replies: 2
Views: 4603

anaddb input file of Amorphous Material[Solved]

I am trying to calculate the thermodynamic properties of an amorphous system of 108 atoms. Since my response calculations are done only at Gamma point,I have just 2 DDB files as a result of my response calculations. I am not able to get a working input file for anaddb tool. I need to know what the t...
by uma
Fri Mar 28, 2014 4:13 pm
Forum: Response calculations
Topic: Configuration : ABINIT aborts linear response calculations
Replies: 3
Views: 3586

Re: Configuration : ABINIT aborts linear response calculatio

Got the solution from an earlier post. Just manually change the ngfft in the DDB's to match. Then mrgddb runs smooth.
by uma
Fri Mar 28, 2014 4:00 pm
Forum: Response calculations
Topic: Configuration : ABINIT aborts linear response calculations
Replies: 3
Views: 3586

Re: Configuration : ABINIT aborts linear response calculatio

Dear Delaveau, Thank you for offering to help. But now my problem is solved. I was able to run the code with ABINIT7.6.2 (compiled without mpi-in-place), using 75 processors. The linear response calculations went smooth. But due to want of wall time, the job stopped which I continued as another job....
by uma
Mon Mar 24, 2014 1:00 pm
Forum: Response calculations
Topic: ABINIT aborts linear response calculations
Replies: 0
Views: 1950

ABINIT aborts linear response calculations

Dear ABINIT experts, I am trying linear response calculations on an amorphous material with 108 atoms. The package gave MPI_Allreduce errors. In this forum, geomatteo recommended that I recompile the package without MPI_INPLACE. The cluster administrators kindly reconfigured the package(ABINIT-7.6.2...
by uma
Mon Mar 24, 2014 11:15 am
Forum: Response calculations
Topic: Configuration : ABINIT aborts linear response calculations
Replies: 3
Views: 3586

Configuration : ABINIT aborts linear response calculations

Dear ABINIT experts, I am trying linear response calculations on an amorphous material with 108 atoms. The package gave MPI_Allreduce errors. In this forum, geomatteo recommended that I recompile the package without MPI_INPLACE. The cluster administrators kindly reconfigured the package(ABINIT-7.6.2...
by uma
Mon Mar 24, 2014 11:11 am
Forum: Response calculations
Topic: ABINIT aborts linear response calculations
Replies: 0
Views: 1754

ABINIT aborts linear response calculations

Dear ABINIT experts, I am trying linear response calculations on an amorphous material with 108 atoms. The package gave MPI_Allreduce errors. In this forum, geomatteo recommended that I recompile the package without MPI_INPLACE. The cluster administrators kindly reconfigured the package(ABINIT-7.6.2...
by uma
Wed Feb 26, 2014 1:30 pm
Forum: Response calculations
Topic: RF-Amorphous material- Error
Replies: 3
Views: 3323

Re: RF-Amorphous material- Error

Since the cluster administrators wanted me to check if there could be any other problem(particularly memory requirements,) before reconfiguring, I submitted the job with the same input file I have posted earlier with the following changes. istwfk=1, nsym=1, nbands =270 and using 160 processors. I go...
by uma
Tue Feb 25, 2014 10:42 am
Forum: Response calculations
Topic: RF-Amorphous material- Error
Replies: 3
Views: 3323

Re: RF-Amorphous material- Error

Thank you. I shall try doing this and post the effect.
by uma
Mon Feb 24, 2014 1:37 pm
Forum: Response calculations
Topic: RF-Amorphous material- Error
Replies: 3
Views: 3323

RF-Amorphous material- Error

I am trying to do response function calculations (acoustic phonons ) only at gamma point for an amorphous material. I have just 2 datasets. The calculation stops after suggesting the first perturbation in dataset2 with the following message: -inwffil : will read wavefunctions from disk file AN-trf2_...
by uma
Wed Feb 19, 2014 3:50 pm
Forum: Response calculations
Topic: Amorphous material
Replies: 0
Views: 1604

Amorphous material

I have used ABINIT to get the phonon dispersion for crystalline structure. I now wish to do linear response calculations and get the phonon density of states and thereafter the thermodynamic quantities of an amorphous material of 108 atoms. Is this possible with ABINIT? I suppose I must do gamma poi...
by uma
Mon Jun 24, 2013 3:31 pm
Forum: Response calculations
Topic: anaddb error
Replies: 1
Views: 2310

SOLVED: Re: anaddb error

Found my mistake.. I need to work with the complete set of kpts.. not just the first 50 that trf2_2.out shows..

by uma
Mon Jun 24, 2013 12:28 pm
Forum: Response calculations
Topic: anaddb error
Replies: 1
Views: 2310

anaddb error

I want to plot the phononband structure for an insulator. While using anaddb, I get the following error message: Subroutine Unknown:0:ERROR Informations are missing in the DDB. The dynamical matrix number 288 cannot be built, since no blok with wavevector -6.250000E-02 6.250000E-02 6.250000E-02 has ...
by uma
Tue May 28, 2013 3:17 pm
Forum: Response calculations
Topic: Serial version: Convergence of dataset2 in linear response c
Replies: 8
Views: 6930

Re: Serial version: Convergence of dataset2 in linear respon

Dear Professor, Yes. I need only the phonon frequencies of Nitrogen as an insulator.I commented datasets 2 and 3. So I did not include d/dk calculations and the electric field perturbation. Also nband=10. diemac =1. This is the error message I get. Subroutine Unknown:0:ERROR scfcge : ERROR - Potenti...
by uma
Mon May 27, 2013 5:50 pm
Forum: Response calculations
Topic: Serial version: Convergence of dataset2 in linear response c
Replies: 8
Views: 6930

Re: Serial version: Convergence of dataset2 in linear respon

Dear Professor,
With nband=10 this is the error message I received:

scfcge : ERROR -
Potential-based CG line minimization not converged after 13 restarts.
Action : read the eventual warnings about lack of convergence.
Some might be relevant. Otherwise, raise nband.

by uma
Mon May 27, 2013 1:25 pm
Forum: Response calculations
Topic: Serial version: Convergence of dataset2 in linear response c
Replies: 8
Views: 6930

Re: Serial version: Convergence of dataset2 in linear respon

Thank you for your response Professor. But I am working on Nitrogen when it is an insulator. But at some point during my trials, the code suggested that I increase the number of bands. That is why I used nband=24 instead of my original value of 20. I shall try again with nband=20 and not specifying ...
by uma
Mon May 27, 2013 10:41 am
Forum: Response calculations
Topic: Serial version: Convergence of dataset2 in linear response c
Replies: 8
Views: 6930

Re: Serial version: Convergence of dataset2 in linear respon

Dear Professor, I have now attached the input file that I used for the calculation which ran to completion for all datasets, but dataset2 Energy has not converged ( tolwfr2 1.0d-22). Can you suggest a solution to achieve convergence so that the phonon frequencies based on this calculation could be r...
by uma
Tue May 14, 2013 5:19 pm
Forum: Response calculations
Topic: [SOLVED]Parallel calcs-ground state wave functions bef lrp.
Replies: 5
Views: 4387

Parallel calcs-ground state wave functions before lin. resp.

Dear Gabriel,

Many thanks. The problem was solved when I recompiled using mpi-io ='yes'.
by uma
Tue May 14, 2013 3:09 pm
Forum: Response calculations
Topic: Serial version: Convergence of dataset2 in linear response c
Replies: 8
Views: 6930

Serial version: Convergence of dataset2 in linear response c

As the parallel version 7.2.1 ends up with segmentation fault errors, I am trying to run the serial version to do the linear response calculations for an insulator. I am using the template The program was Ok for a 4x4x4 kmesh, diemac =2 and converged within 3000 steps. But when I increase...
by uma
Mon May 13, 2013 4:22 pm
Forum: Response calculations
Topic: [SOLVED]Parallel calcs-ground state wave functions bef lrp.
Replies: 5
Views: 4387

Re: Parallel calcs-ground state wave functions before lin. r

Dear Gabriel, I ran the code with the following input file. I used 1 node (12 processors). acell 3*3.8037 angstrom # densty 1.2 ecut 500 eV enunit 2 localrdwf 1 ngkpt 2 2 2 nshiftk 1 shiftk 0.0 0.0 0.0 natom 4 nband 20 nnsclo 2 nline 3 nstep 30 ntypat 1 occopt 1 rprim -0.5000000000000000 0.500000000...