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by meinert
Thu Jun 14, 2012 2:12 pm
Forum: Many-body perturbation theory
Topic: Self-consistent GW with spin fails in parallel with PAW
Replies: 4
Views: 6298

Re: Self-consistent GW with spin fails in parallel with PAW

Hi Samuel,

Indeed, I've tested running in serial with spin, and it does work nicely - at least in the case of Si, which I have tested. So it is quite surely an MPI problem.

Best regards,
by meinert
Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:13 am
Forum: Many-body perturbation theory
Topic: gw_sigxcore and CORE_files
Replies: 1
Views: 2895

Re: gw_sigxcore and CORE_files

Dear Luca, as an example, see $ABINIT-INSTALL-DIR/tests/Psps_for_tests/CORE_si_ps.736.lda You can generate these files during PAW generation with atompaw, by setting prtcorewf in the abinit output options. The resulting *_core_density.dat file has to be renamed to CORE_* and the path has to be appen...
by meinert
Wed Jun 13, 2012 3:12 pm
Forum: Many-body perturbation theory
Topic: Self-consistent GW with spin fails in parallel with PAW
Replies: 4
Views: 6298

Self-consistent GW with spin fails in parallel with PAW

Dear community and abinit developers, I've encountered an error during self-consistent GW calculations with abinit v6.12.3. Please consider the QPscGW run for Si with PAW below. - It runs fine with just one spin, but fails with two spins. Of course, that's pointless for Si, but I found the same prob...