Search found 2 matches

by spbeckman
Wed Mar 05, 2014 12:28 pm
Forum: Link to other codes
Topic: Pseudo-hydrogen pseudopotential
Replies: 1
Views: 3968

Re: Pseudo-hydrogen pseudopotential

I've generated those using both "atom," which I think is distributed with Siesta, and "opium." If you use atom it is simply a matter of changing the Z input to a fraction. If you use opium it is similar, but you need to make a slight modification to the software to change the inp...
by spbeckman
Tue Mar 04, 2014 8:21 pm
Forum: Link to other codes
Topic: VCA and PCC
Replies: 0
Views: 2419


Hello, I’m interested in using VCA using mixalch and related flags. I’ve read the documentation and am comfortable with the options and requirements that are written. What is not clear to me from the documentation is if the pseudopotentials can have partial core corrections, PCC. (I know that the vi...