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by ajitkv1
Thu Mar 23, 2017 7:04 pm
Forum: Many-body perturbation theory
Topic: e-e calculation using GW
Replies: 2
Views: 3121

Re: e-e calculation using GW

Dear users and developers, I am trying to calculate electron-electron scattering rates in metals using Abinit and Yambo packages. I am trying to generate KSS file using abinit-7.6.4 and a psp8 pseudo potential to use it as an input for the yambo package. I am getting the following error: At line 182...
by ajitkv1
Wed Feb 22, 2017 8:12 pm
Forum: Many-body perturbation theory
Topic: e-e calculation using GW
Replies: 2
Views: 3121

e-e calculation using GW

Dear users and developers, I am trying to calculate electron-electron scattering rates in metals based on PAW (ultrasoft) PP's. I found the example of Al in GW tutorial. I was wondering if anyone has calculated them successfully using the GW module in abinit itself. The yambo package seems to work o...
by ajitkv1
Mon Feb 20, 2017 11:28 pm
Forum: Many-body perturbation theory
Topic: Quasi-particle lifetimes / discription of GW output files
Replies: 3
Views: 5047

Re: Quasi-particle lifetimes / discription of GW output file

Hi Matt,

I am new to abinit and trying to find the lifetimes using GWA. Did you find answer to your question about where the abinit outputs the imaginary part of self energy ?
