Search found 2 matches
- Sun Dec 13, 2020 11:35 am
- Forum: Ground state
- Topic: Posdoppler variable missing
- Replies: 3
- Views: 10615
Re: Posdoppler variable missing
Dear Error123, The tutorial input file works fine on my side. Which version of Abinit are you using? If it is the latest, could you check that there is no hidden typo in the flag name? Best wishes, Eric Thank you for the answer. Im using verison 7.4.3 as i mentioned before, i also checked for the t...
- Thu Dec 03, 2020 10:08 pm
- Forum: Ground state
- Topic: Posdoppler variable missing
- Replies: 3
- Views: 10615
Posdoppler variable missing
Dear all, im new here and i jsut finished base tutorials. Now Im trying to finish pozitron tutorial. I managed to finish all parts of the tutorial but computing the electron-positron momentum distribution (Doppler spectrum) of a Si lattice, since it wont start the calculation. It has a problem with ...