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by jiangxueping
Mon Jun 06, 2011 9:38 pm
Forum: Many-body perturbation theory
Topic: 2 dimentional coulomb cutoff
Replies: 0
Views: 2175

2 dimentional coulomb cutoff

Dear abinit users,

could I ask if coulomb cutoff for 2 dimensional structure (for example, graphene) is usable. Thanks in advance for your reply!

Xueping Jiang
by jiangxueping
Mon Jun 06, 2011 9:30 pm
Forum: Many-body perturbation theory
Topic: 2 dimentional coulomb cutoff
Replies: 0
Views: 2134

2 dimentional coulomb cutoff

Dear abinit users:
Is coulomb cutoff for 2 dimensions' structure usable now? I want to calculate GW bandstructure of graphene.

Thanks in advance for your reply!

Best regards,
Xueping Jiang
by jiangxueping
Thu Jun 02, 2011 2:48 am
Forum: Many-body perturbation theory
Topic: Surface coulomb cutoff is implemented?
Replies: 0
Views: 2124

Surface coulomb cutoff is implemented?

Dear all abinit users, I want to use coulomb cutoff in the calculation of graphene. I am not sure if cuolomb cutoff is used there or not? Did anyone use coulomb cutoff in 2 dimentional structure? If so, could you tell me how to do that? Thanks in advance for your replying! Best regards, Xueping Jiang