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Thu May 03, 2018 6:42 pm
Forum: Ground state
Topic: How to solve "Eigenvector with band 1 has zero norm"? [SOLVED]
Replies: 4
Views: 3627

Re: How to solve "Eigenvector with band 1 has zero norm"? [SOLVED]

Hey, ebousquet, thank you for your post in advance. Now, the script can work well using the potential, which download from the website you provided. However, the potential provided in psps_for_tests seems not to work well, which meet the problem as my first post. In addition, although the potentials...
Thu May 03, 2018 4:14 pm
Forum: Ground state
Topic: How to solve "Eigenvector with band 1 has zero norm"? [SOLVED]
Replies: 4
Views: 3627

Re: How to solve "Eigenvector with band 1 has zero norm"? [SOLVED]

I have checked:
1) Band number is less than mpw.
2) Increasing ecut is not effective.

In addition, I can run other scripts as, ... very well.
I do not know why the file cannot run.
Thu May 03, 2018 4:10 pm
Forum: Ground state
Topic: How to solve "Eigenvector with band 1 has zero norm"? [SOLVED]
Replies: 4
Views: 3627

How to solve "Eigenvector with band 1 has zero norm"? [SOLVED]

I am a beginner on Abinit Calculations. When I try to run the scripts as those in tutorial course, I found the following error messages, and the program terminated. Could you give any hints? --- !ERROR src_file: fxphas.F90 src_line: 188 mpi_rank: 0 message: | The eigenvector with band 1 has zero nor...