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by pauwawa87
Mon Dec 10, 2018 8:00 am
Forum: Link to other codes
Topic: --- !BUG src_file: m_paw_finegrid.F90 src_line: 142 mpi_rank
Replies: 1
Views: 2584

--- !BUG src_file: m_paw_finegrid.F90 src_line: 142 mpi_rank

I found bug while running below input file. Im not sure the rootcaused. Hopefully, someone can advice me.tq... --- !BUG src_file: m_paw_finegrid.F90 src_line: 142 mpi_rank: 0 message: | rfgd array must be allocated at rfgd(3,nfgd)! ... Action: contact ABINIT group (please attach the output of `abini...