Dear eric
Thanks a lot.I get it.
Search found 25 matches
- Mon Jun 17, 2019 2:20 pm
- Forum: Ground state
- Topic: Fixed Angle structural optimization [SOLVED]
- Replies: 2
- Views: 3915
- Mon Jun 17, 2019 2:15 pm
- Forum: Other tools and postprocessing in ABINIT
- Topic: Convergence problem
- Replies: 13
- Views: 20885
Re: Convergence problem
dear pomax
Thanks for your reply.It helps me a lot.
Thanks for your reply.It helps me a lot.
- Tue Apr 30, 2019 10:05 am
- Forum: Response calculations
- Topic: Elastic properties
- Replies: 7
- Views: 7048
Re: Elastic properties
Have you found a solution to the problem?I have the same problem.
Best wishes
Have you found a solution to the problem?I have the same problem.
Best wishes
- Mon Apr 29, 2019 3:00 pm
- Forum: Ground state
- Topic: Fixed Angle structural optimization [SOLVED]
- Replies: 2
- Views: 3915
Fixed Angle structural optimization [SOLVED]
Dear all
Is it possible to optimize the structure in Abinit with a fixed Angle?How do I set it?For example, I want to optimize the structure of a monoclinic phase with an Angle of 90,91,90.How can I fix the Angle to optimize the lattice parameters and the position of atoms?
Best wishes
Is it possible to optimize the structure in Abinit with a fixed Angle?How do I set it?For example, I want to optimize the structure of a monoclinic phase with an Angle of 90,91,90.How can I fix the Angle to optimize the lattice parameters and the position of atoms?
Best wishes
- Sun Apr 28, 2019 10:20 am
- Forum: Other tools and postprocessing in ABINIT
- Topic: Clamped ion and relaxed ion [SOLVED]
- Replies: 2
- Views: 4110
Re: Clamped ion and relaxed ion [SOLVED]
Dear Eric
I get it.Thank you very much.
Best wishes
I get it.Thank you very much.
Best wishes
- Sun Apr 28, 2019 10:17 am
- Forum: Ground state
- Topic: Structural optimization
- Replies: 3
- Views: 3438
Re: Structural optimization
Dear Eric
Thank you for your reply.I find that error.Now,I was wondering whether getxred and getwfk should be -1. Whether they should be 0, but I made a calculation error when I set them to 0.
Best wishes
Thank you for your reply.I find that error.Now,I was wondering whether getxred and getwfk should be -1. Whether they should be 0, but I made a calculation error when I set them to 0.
Best wishes
- Thu Apr 18, 2019 7:01 am
- Forum: Link to other codes
- Topic: How to get the Hartwigsen-Goedecker-Hutter pseudopotentials [SOLVED]
- Replies: 1
- Views: 4223
How to get the Hartwigsen-Goedecker-Hutter pseudopotentials [SOLVED]
Dear all
I can't find the Hartwigsen-Goedecker-Hutter pseudopotentials in the PSEUDOPOTENTIALS AND PAW DATASETS FOR ABINIT.How to get the Hartwigsen-Goedecker-Hutter pseudopotentials.
Best wishes
I can't find the Hartwigsen-Goedecker-Hutter pseudopotentials in the PSEUDOPOTENTIALS AND PAW DATASETS FOR ABINIT.How to get the Hartwigsen-Goedecker-Hutter pseudopotentials.
Best wishes
- Tue Apr 16, 2019 1:21 pm
- Forum: Other tools and postprocessing in ABINIT
- Topic: Convergence problem
- Replies: 13
- Views: 20885
Re: Convergence problem
The ERROR appeared again.
--- !ERROR
src_file: m_dynmat.F90
src_line: 5979
mpi_rank: 0
message: |
zhpev returned: 14
That successful run seemed like an accident.Can you tell me how to check online what zhpev 14 corresponds to?
Thank you
--- !ERROR
src_file: m_dynmat.F90
src_line: 5979
mpi_rank: 0
message: |
zhpev returned: 14
That successful run seemed like an accident.Can you tell me how to check online what zhpev 14 corresponds to?
Thank you
- Tue Apr 16, 2019 11:06 am
- Forum: Other tools and postprocessing in ABINIT
- Topic: Convergence problem
- Replies: 13
- Views: 20885
Re: Convergence problem
Dear mverstra
Thank you for you reply.
In dateset3,it includes two kinds of perturbation(atomic displacement perturbation and strain perturbation).I choose the NCPP pseudopotentials.Because I use the alchemical pseudoatoms.
Best wishes
Thank you for you reply.
In dateset3,it includes two kinds of perturbation(atomic displacement perturbation and strain perturbation).I choose the NCPP pseudopotentials.Because I use the alchemical pseudoatoms.
Best wishes
- Mon Apr 15, 2019 7:51 pm
- Forum: Other tools and postprocessing in ABINIT
- Topic: Convergence problem
- Replies: 13
- Views: 20885
Re: Convergence problem
I used the ddb.file to compute elastic constant and piezoelectric constant.The warning appear ddb_piezo : WARNING - Acoustic sum rule violation met : the eigenvalues of accoustic mode are too large at Gamma point Increase cutoff energy or k-points sampling. The three eigenvalues are: 2.438948E-05 -2...
- Mon Apr 15, 2019 7:44 pm
- Forum: Other tools and postprocessing in ABINIT
- Topic: Clamped ion and relaxed ion [SOLVED]
- Replies: 2
- Views: 4110
Clamped ion and relaxed ion [SOLVED]
Dear all
I calculated the Elastic Tensor and Proper piezoelectric constants.Then I want to cumpute the dij with the Elastic Tensor and Proper piezoelectric constants.Should I ues the Elastic Tensor part or relaxed ion part?
Best wishes
I calculated the Elastic Tensor and Proper piezoelectric constants.Then I want to cumpute the dij with the Elastic Tensor and Proper piezoelectric constants.Should I ues the Elastic Tensor part or relaxed ion part?
Best wishes
- Mon Apr 15, 2019 11:13 am
- Forum: Other tools and postprocessing in ABINIT
- Topic: Convergence problem
- Replies: 13
- Views: 20885
Re: Convergence problem
Dear mverstra Thank you very much. I konw the renson of the error.I don't have storage space for caculating.I want to get the ddb.file to compute the elastic constanr and piezoelectric constant.There are two warning in my out.file ---------------------------------------------------------------------...
- Mon Apr 15, 2019 8:13 am
- Forum: Other tools and postprocessing in ABINIT
- Topic: Convergence problem
- Replies: 13
- Views: 20885
Re: Convergence problem
Dear mvertra I changed my in.file.It can converge quickly.but a new error appeared. ---- first-order wavefunction calculations are completed ---- ==> Compute Derivative Database <== --- !WARNING src_file: m_crystal_io.F90 src_line: 192 message: | Alchemical crystals are not fully supported by the ne...
- Sun Apr 14, 2019 7:16 pm
- Forum: Other tools and postprocessing in ABINIT
- Topic: Convergence problem
- Replies: 13
- Views: 20885
Re: Convergence problem
Dear mverstra
Thanks for your reply.In my calculation,the two sets are difficult convergence.Does convergence have much effect on the final calculation of the elastic constant?
Best wishes
Thanks for your reply.In my calculation,the two sets are difficult convergence.Does convergence have much effect on the final calculation of the elastic constant?
Best wishes
- Sat Apr 13, 2019 7:08 pm
- Forum: Other tools and postprocessing in ABINIT
- Topic: Convergence problem
- Replies: 13
- Views: 20885
Convergence problem
Dear all I want to get the ddb.file to compute the elastic constant to piezoelectric constant.Frist,I optimized the lattice structure following the tutorial (telast1).It's no problem.Then when i got the ddb.file,it's hard for potential residual converdence.How to solve it? Initialisation of the firs...
- Fri Apr 12, 2019 1:33 pm
- Forum: Ground state
- Topic: Structural optimization
- Replies: 3
- Views: 3438
Structural optimization
Dear all I want to get the structures under different pressures along the z axis.Can i use the in.file to get it? #Structural optimization run ndtset 5 strtarget1 0.00000d0 0.00000d0 -0.00001d0 0.00000d0 0.00000d0 0.00000d0 strtarget2 0.00000d0 0.00000d0 -0.00002d0 0.00000d0 0.00000d0 0.00000d0 strt...
- Wed Apr 10, 2019 9:29 am
- Forum: Other tools and postprocessing in ABINIT
- Topic: Some wanings and comments to get elastic [SOLVED]
- Replies: 2
- Views: 4428
Re: Some wanings and comments to get elastic [SOLVED]
Dear Verstraete
Thank you very much.Your reply has helped me a lot.I don't understand the phonon mode.l well learn it.
Best wishes.
Thank you very much.Your reply has helped me a lot.I don't understand the phonon mode.l well learn it.
Best wishes.
- Mon Mar 18, 2019 4:17 am
- Forum: Other tools and postprocessing in ABINIT
- Topic: Some wanings and comments to get elastic [SOLVED]
- Replies: 2
- Views: 4428
Some wanings and comments to get elastic [SOLVED]
Dear all In the process of lattice optimization,there are some comments 1.--- !COMMENT src_file: m_xgScalapack.F90 src_line: 251 message: | xgScalapack in auto mode 2.getcut : COMMENT - Note that boxcut > 2.2 ; recall that boxcut=Gcut(box)/Gcut(sphere) = 2 is sufficient for exact treatment of convol...
- Sun Mar 03, 2019 7:37 am
- Forum: Ground state
- Topic: Pressure parameters [SOLVED]
- Replies: 4
- Views: 4252
Re: Pressure parameters [SOLVED]
Dear Eric
Thank you very much.I get it.
best wishes.
Thank you very much.I get it.
best wishes.
- Fri Feb 22, 2019 6:14 am
- Forum: Ground state
- Topic: Pressure parameters [SOLVED]
- Replies: 4
- Views: 4252
Re: Pressure parameters [SOLVED]
Dear Eric
Thank you for your reply.
In example v6.t18,strtarget -4.75846d-4 -4.75846d-4 -4.75846d-4 0 0 0.How to determine the direction of the pressure?What's the d-4?Does it express 10-4?
Looking forward to your reply.Thank you.
Thank you for your reply.
In example v6.t18,strtarget -4.75846d-4 -4.75846d-4 -4.75846d-4 0 0 0.How to determine the direction of the pressure?What's the d-4?Does it express 10-4?
Looking forward to your reply.Thank you.
- Thu Feb 21, 2019 3:14 pm
- Forum: Ground state
- Topic: The rhombohedral phase PZT
- Replies: 1
- Views: 1885
Re: The rhombohedral phase PZT
In out.file symlatt : the Bravais lattice is hP (primitive hexagonal) --- !COMMENT src_file: m_symfind.F90 src_line: 815 message: | The Bravais lattice determined only from the primitive vectors, bravais(1)= 6, is more symmetric than the real one, iholohedry= 3, obtained by taking into account the a...
- Tue Feb 19, 2019 11:35 am
- Forum: Ground state
- Topic: Pressure parameters [SOLVED]
- Replies: 4
- Views: 4252
Pressure parameters [SOLVED]
dear all
Can the abinit compute the system under pressure?What 's the main parameter?
Looking forward to your reply.
Can the abinit compute the system under pressure?What 's the main parameter?
Looking forward to your reply.
- Tue Feb 19, 2019 7:56 am
- Forum: Ground state
- Topic: The rhombohedral phase PZT
- Replies: 1
- Views: 1885
The rhombohedral phase PZT
Dear all My structure parameters acell 7.542 7.542 7.791 angdeg 90.0 90.0 120.0 xred 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.00 0.50 0.50 0.46 In out.file DATASET 1 : space group Cm m 2 (# 35); Bravais oC (1-face-center ortho.) l want to know the structure parameters of rhombohedral...
- Sat Jan 26, 2019 9:47 am
- Forum: Other tools and postprocessing in ABINIT
- Topic: warning in the process to get DDB file [SOLVED]
- Replies: 2
- Views: 4136
Re: warning in the process to get DDB file [SOLVED]
dear mverstra
Thanks for your help
Best regards
Thanks for your help
Best regards
- Tue Jan 22, 2019 4:21 pm
- Forum: Other tools and postprocessing in ABINIT
- Topic: warning in the process to get DDB file [SOLVED]
- Replies: 2
- Views: 4136
warning in the process to get DDB file [SOLVED]
dear all l use VCA mehtod to compute the elastic and piezoelectic constant of PZT as the tutorial indicated.In the second step, l find some warning. 1.Alchemical pseudopotential with nlcc! 2. Density went too small (lower than xc_denpos) at 27629 points and was set to xc_denpos = 1.00E-14. Lowest wa...