Search found 19 matches

by amir
Wed Jun 07, 2017 6:05 am
Forum: Ground state
Topic: input file for doped ZrO2 2*2*2 supercell
Replies: 5
Views: 5495

Re: input file for doped ZrO2 2*2*2 supercell

Mohamed, Cubic zirconia has fluorite structure, O has coordination number of 4 and Zr has coordination number of 8.
by amir
Tue Jun 06, 2017 6:55 pm
Forum: Ground state
Topic: Using background charge
Replies: 0
Views: 1568

Using background charge

I am interested in studying defect clusters in yttria stabilized zirconia. Basically, I need to have 2 yttrium atoms to create 1 oxygen vacancy. But 2 yttrium atoms make my configurations complicated, I am wondering if I can add only 1 yttrium atom to create a vacancy and neutralize the system by a ...
by amir
Tue Mar 22, 2016 9:50 am
Forum: Link to other codes
Topic: iofn2 message
Replies: 1
Views: 3372

iofn2 message

Hi all,

I get this message all the time:

iofn2 : Please give name of formatted atomic psp file

What does it mean? What do I need to change?

by amir
Wed Jan 13, 2016 11:31 pm
Forum: Ground state
Topic: error messages in optimisation run.
Replies: 5
Views: 6672

Re: error messages in optimisation run.

I have the answer to a part of my question, why toldff can't be used in optimizing the unit cell. Under the description optcell it says: if all the reduced coordinates of atoms are fixed by symmetry, one cannot use toldff to stop the SCF cycle. (Suggestion : use toldfe with a small value, like 1.0d-...
by amir
Sun Jan 10, 2016 9:28 pm
Forum: Ground state
Topic: error messages in optimisation run.
Replies: 5
Views: 6672

Re: error messages in optimisation run.

I have the same problem when I use toldff or tolrff as stopping criterion, but when I use toldfe it works fine. I also realized that if I use toldff in optimizing a unit cell it does not converge, but when I use toldfe it works fine. However, in the description of toldff it says "This is to be ...
by amir
Wed Dec 09, 2015 8:07 pm
Forum: Other tools and postprocessing in ABINIT
Topic: Using CrystalMaker [SOLVED]
Replies: 2
Views: 5933

Re: Using CrystalMaker [SOLVED]

Thank you very much Jordan. Very useful information.
by amir
Sat Oct 17, 2015 10:17 am
Forum: Other tools and postprocessing in ABINIT
Topic: Using CrystalMaker [SOLVED]
Replies: 2
Views: 5933

Using CrystalMaker [SOLVED]


I am wondering if we can use CrystalMaker o visualize the result of our calculations. Can we change the format of our files o something that CrystalMaker can read?

Thanks :)
by amir
Mon Jul 06, 2015 2:15 am
Forum: Ground state
Topic: Convergence criterion [SOLVED]
Replies: 2
Views: 3989

Re: Convergence criterion [SOLVED]

Than you very much Jordan :)
by amir
Thu Jun 25, 2015 10:31 am
Forum: Ground state
Topic: Convergence criterion [SOLVED]
Replies: 2
Views: 3989

Convergence criterion [SOLVED]

Hi. I am trying to find the lattice parameter of ZrO2. When I use toldfe=10^-12 i have no problem, but when I use toldff=5*10^-6 or tolrff=0.2 I get this error all the time, does not matter what my value for acell is: "The new primitive vectors rprimd (an evolving quantity) are too large with r...
by amir
Tue Jun 23, 2015 8:59 pm
Forum: Configuring and compiling ABINIT
Topic: Hardware question [SOLVED]
Replies: 4
Views: 5159

Re: Hardware question [SOLVED]

Thank you Jordan. I appreciate it.
by amir
Mon Jun 22, 2015 7:10 pm
Forum: Configuring and compiling ABINIT
Topic: Hardware question [SOLVED]
Replies: 4
Views: 5159

Re: Hardware question [SOLVED]

Thanks Jordan. I was looking for an answer like this to give my some view. If we can get a funding, we will go for nodes. Do you have any recommendation/advice on that?

Thanks for your time again :)

by amir
Fri Jun 19, 2015 8:55 am
Forum: Configuring and compiling ABINIT
Topic: Hardware question [SOLVED]
Replies: 4
Views: 5159

Hardware question [SOLVED]

Hi. I am not sure if here is the right place for asking this question, but I couldn't find any other index more relevant. I'm running my jobs on university's HPC, but the queues are long. I will be working with systems containing 100-200 atoms. My question is if it makes sense to buy a workstation w...
by amir
Tue May 12, 2015 7:18 am
Forum: Ground state
Topic: input file for doped ZrO2 2*2*2 supercell
Replies: 5
Views: 5495

Re: input file for doped ZrO2 2*2*2 supercell

Thank you very much. I just wanted to make sure that I am doing everything right and my input file contains all the necessary variables.

I ran the simulation with norm conserving pseudopotential and it took less than 3 hours. Does PAW really take that longer?
by amir
Tue Apr 21, 2015 11:30 pm
Forum: Ground state
Topic: input file for doped ZrO2 2*2*2 supercell
Replies: 5
Views: 5495

input file for doped ZrO2 2*2*2 supercell

Hi, I want to calculate total energy of a 2*2*2 supercell of doped ZrO2. Could someone please check the input file? It takes about one day to do the calculations, I am wondering if it is normal or there is any way that I can make it faster. (To make the post short I removed the coordinates of atoms)...
by amir
Tue Nov 11, 2014 5:26 am
Forum: Configuring and compiling ABINIT
Topic: Configure error compiling ABINIT 7.8.2 in ubuntu 14.04.1 [SOLVED]
Replies: 8
Views: 10496

Re: Configure error compiling ABINIT 7.8.2 in ubuntu 14.04.1 [SOLVED]

Dear Jordan, Yann, jbeuken,

Thank you very much. I could finally do it! Thanks for your help. I appreciate it. You will see more questions from me from now on! :D
by amir
Mon Nov 10, 2014 5:24 am
Forum: Configuring and compiling ABINIT
Topic: Configure error compiling ABINIT 7.8.2 in ubuntu 14.04.1 [SOLVED]
Replies: 8
Views: 10496

Re: Configure error compiling ABINIT 7.8.2 in ubuntu 14.04.1 [SOLVED]

Dear all, Thanks for your help. But I still have some problems. I decided to delete "enable_test_timeout="yes"" from, because I had an error saying: "configure: error: removed option --enable_test_timeout has been used" Afterwards the configuration got comple...
by amir
Mon Nov 03, 2014 6:46 pm
Forum: Configuring and compiling ABINIT
Topic: Configure error compiling ABINIT 7.8.2 in ubuntu 14.04.1 [SOLVED]
Replies: 8
Views: 10496

Re: Configure error compiling ABINIT 7.8.2 in ubuntu 14.04.1 [SOLVED]

It would be great if you give me a hint where I should look for an answer or what I should search. Thanks.
by amir
Mon Oct 27, 2014 4:58 pm
Forum: Configuring and compiling ABINIT
Topic: Configure error compiling ABINIT 7.8.2 in ubuntu 14.04.1 [SOLVED]
Replies: 8
Views: 10496

Re: Configure error compiling ABINIT 7.8.2 in ubuntu 14.04.1 [SOLVED]

Thanks Yann, but how can I stop using that?

I tried "sudo apt-get install nanoscale-physics-dev" but it did not work, I had a quick search and used "sudo apt-get install science-nanoscale-physics-dev" and that worked. Is it what I needed to install? Thanks.
by amir
Mon Oct 27, 2014 6:47 am
Forum: Configuring and compiling ABINIT
Topic: Configure error compiling ABINIT 7.8.2 in ubuntu 14.04.1 [SOLVED]
Replies: 8
Views: 10496

Configure error compiling ABINIT 7.8.2 in ubuntu 14.04.1 [SOLVED]

Hi, I am trying to compile ABINIT 7.8.2 in ubuntu 14.04.1 but get an error when I am doing step 4 in "Recipe to compile abinit 7.8.2 on UBUNTU 14.04 (64bits)". The error is: configure: error: removed option --enable-gui-build has been used I am new in both ABINIT and linux. Could you pleas...