"make multi" and "mpirun"?  [SOLVED]

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"make multi" and "mpirun"?

Post by ljludwig » Thu Aug 29, 2013 10:58 pm

Dear All:

Maybe it is a dumb question... But I'm eager to see the answer:

when compiling Abinit, it needs #make multi_nprocs=N,
when running Abinit, it needs mpiexec or mpirun, which needs to specify the number of cores, say M.

Does the two have to be the same value (N==M)? Or they are simply irrelevant issues?

Thank you very much for clarification!!


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Re: "make multi" and "mpirun"?  [SOLVED]

Post by Alain_Jacques » Fri Aug 30, 2013 2:14 pm

There is no such a thing as a dumb question :-) No correlation between N and M ... N defines the number of parallel tasks to compile (some parts of) Abinit i.e. how many concurrent fortran/link/... are invoked, and M is the number of cores invoked at runtime. In other words Abinit executable doesn't "remember" N to manage parallelization at runtime.

Kind regards,


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Re: "make multi" and "mpirun"?

Post by ljludwig » Fri Aug 30, 2013 4:06 pm

Thank you so much!! That indeed helps a lot!!
