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problem writing a large number of bands in NSCF

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 12:52 am
by rangel

I have been trying to get a large number of bands for a molecule, but the code does not writes correctly the wavefunction files when I get to a certain large number of bands.
For instance, in my test case, I do a NSCF calculation with several datasets, I converge N number of bands, and in the next dataset I read the previous WFK file and I converge a few more bands.
This way, I can see that the stops at some point with this error:
--- !ERROR
message: |
Error when reading record markers of file o_DS7_WFK
src_file: m_wffile.F90
src_line: 2159

It does not seem to be a memory-related problem, I tried the same job with more memory per processor.
I tried to change the number of processors, to get different npfft, nband, etc, but I get always the same.
I am using gfortran and mpi_io to read/write the wavefunctions.

Does anyone knows what the issue could be?
Tonatiuh Rangel

[Solved] Re: problem writing a large number of bands in NSCF

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2014 6:32 pm
by rangel

This has been solved by Muriel Delaveau and Marc Torrent =)