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PAW band structure with spin orbit coupling

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2016 7:08 pm
by esr3d

I would like to calculate a band structure with spin orbit coupling included. I am using the GGA-PBE PAW datasets available from

In addition to the standard variables defining the crystal structure, my input file includes the following to compute the band structure and specify the use of spin-orbit coupling.

Code: Select all

ndtset 2
nstep 40
diemac 12
ecut 20
pawecutdg 40

toldff1 5.0d-8
kptopt1 4

istwfk1 64*1
prtden1 3

#second data set
iscf2 -2
getden2 -1
kptopt2 -3
nband2 34
ndivk2 17 10 20

0.0 0.0 0.0
0.5 0.0 0.0
0.333333 0.333333 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0

tolwfr2 1.0d-18

#include spin-orbit coupling
pawspnorb 1

However, this input gives an error:

Code: Select all

--- !ERROR
message: |
    nspinor 2 not coded
src_file: denfgr.F90
src_line: 473

When I run the input file without pawspnorb 1, the band structure is successfully created, so the problem seems to arise when trying to include spin-orbit coupling.

Does anyone know how I can fix this error, or has anyone successfully calculated a band structure with PAW datasets, including spin-orbit coupling?

Thank you!

Re: PAW band structure with spin orbit coupling

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2016 8:07 pm
by gmatteo
When I run the input file without pawspnorb 1, the band structure is successfully created, so the problem seems to arise when trying to include spin-orbit coupling.

The problem is not related to spin-orbit coupling but to the fact that you are using prtden=3.
This option generates the _PAWDEN file with the full all-electron charge density (valence+core).
Unfortunately nspinor == 2 is not yet implemented and the code stops in the routine that produces the _PAWDEN output file.
The calculation should complete successfully if you use prtden 1

Re: PAW band structure with spin orbit coupling

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2016 8:23 pm
by esr3d
Thanks, gmatteo! When I use prtden=1, the calculation runs successfully.
However, I see no change in the band structure compared to the non-spin orbit coupling case (I expect the spin orbit coupling to split a few of the degenerate bands).

I will double-check my input file, but just to verify: with PAW band structures, if I want to include spin orbit coupling, all I have to do is add pawspnorb 1 to my input file, right? There is no need to use different PAW datasets, or change anything else in the input file?


Re: PAW band structure with spin orbit coupling

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2016 8:31 pm
by gmatteo
if I want to include spin orbit coupling, all I have to do is add pawspnorb 1 to my input file, right? There is no need to use different PAW datasets, or change anything else in the input file?

Yes, pawspnorb 1 and nspinor 2 are enough.
Unlike NC pseudos, there's no need for specialised PAW datasets. See also: ... #pawspnorb