Question moved from Abinit forum email list:
Dear abinitor,
I think the PHDOS generated by ANADDB covers the whole zone. But in my
case I just need the density on the gamma point. How could I get it? Thank
you in advance.
How to get the phonon density on a spcecific q point?
Moderators: mverstra, joaocarloscabreu
Re: How to get the phonon density on a spcecific q point?
Dear Yong
I am not sure what you are looking for, you can calculate directly the phonons for an specific Q, look at the tutorial and you will see how.
Therefore, from the obtained phonons at Gamma (for example) you can do the analysis you want.
I am not sure what you are looking for, you can calculate directly the phonons for an specific Q, look at the tutorial and you will see how.
Therefore, from the obtained phonons at Gamma (for example) you can do the analysis you want.