GS LiFePO4 : gradients have not converged yet
Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 12:59 am
I'm studying LiFePO4 (Pnma 62 orthorombic, 28 atoms in unit cell).
1)I have prepared *.in file from cif(data_72545-ICSD) -
2)then I have fixed positions of Li atom (x y z : 0 0 0) and y = 1/4 of Fe, P, O1, O2 - as I understand from symmetry
3)For begining I choose potentials GGA.fhi -
4)optcell = 2, ecut = 15 and k point grid = 4 x 7 x 9, ixc = 11
I have attached *.in, and 2 *.out files - one as result , one dump from console - to better understand my situation
I have very bad gradients convergence and don't know my mistake - I also tryied computations, for example, with unfixed all atoms (remove code with natfix and iatfix) or set optcell = 0 - doesn't change situation
may be need add options of spin-polarisation?
My final aim is elastic tensor of LFP.
Please explain, Evgenii
I'm studying LiFePO4 (Pnma 62 orthorombic, 28 atoms in unit cell).
1)I have prepared *.in file from cif(data_72545-ICSD) -
2)then I have fixed positions of Li atom (x y z : 0 0 0) and y = 1/4 of Fe, P, O1, O2 - as I understand from symmetry
3)For begining I choose potentials GGA.fhi -
4)optcell = 2, ecut = 15 and k point grid = 4 x 7 x 9, ixc = 11
I have attached *.in, and 2 *.out files - one as result , one dump from console - to better understand my situation
I have very bad gradients convergence and don't know my mistake - I also tryied computations, for example, with unfixed all atoms (remove code with natfix and iatfix) or set optcell = 0 - doesn't change situation
may be need add options of spin-polarisation?
My final aim is elastic tensor of LFP.
Please explain, Evgenii