Indices out of boundary when doing screening calculations

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Indices out of boundary when doing screening calculations

Post by wxiaom86 » Mon May 01, 2017 4:18 am


When I was doing the screening calculation (optdriver=3) using the spectral method (spmeth=1), I experienced the following errors. Anyone know how to get rid of it?

--- !BUG
src_file: m_chi0.F90
src_line: 2037
mpi_rank: 397
message: |

Indices out of boundary
my_wl = 3 iomegal = 2
my_wr = 126 iomegar = 3


Here is my input for the screening part:
optdriver 3
irdwfk 1
ecuteps 5
ecutwfn 20
fftgw 11
nfreqim 10
nfreqre 30
freqremax 130 eV
spmeth 1
nomegasf 200
gwmem 0
gwpara 2
gwcalctyp 2

