I'm having an issue updating to the newest version of abinit. My HPC system upgraded their software, and I so I had to recompile anyways. I'm getting the following error during MAKE:
ft%mbandc,nspinor,dtset%natom,(2*paw_dmft%maxlpawu+1)), stat=ABI_ALLOC_STAT
Error: Syntax error in ALLOCATE statement at (1)
My configuration input looks like
../abinit-7.2.1/configure --prefix="/projects/p20129/abinit7.2" --enable-64bit-flags="yes" --enable-mpi="yes" --enable-mpi-io="yes" CC="mpicc" FC="mpif90" FCFLAGS="-g -O3" --with-FFT-flavor="fftw3" --with-dft-flavor="atompaw+libxc+bigdft+wannier90" > c.log
the only errors I that pop up during configuration are the warnings about not linking back to an external linalg library (which I will do at a very soon but later date).
Does anyone have any suggestions?