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[SOLVED]Subscribed to forums but not receiving mail noticifa

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 12:22 pm
by ilukacevic
Dear colleagues,

I am subscribed to many forums to receive the e-mail notifications, when someone posts a message to them. But in the last several weeks, this option seems not to function. I do not receive any e-mail, although when I log in, I see there are new posts. Likewise, I do not receive anymore the daily summary of new posts.
In my user details, the list of subscribed forum is still there.

Could someone explain why is it happening. These notifications were very useful to me.

Thank You in advance.

Igor Lukacevic

PS. If this question does not belong to this forum, I apologize; please ignore it or move it as appropriate.

Re: Subscribed to forums but not receiving mail noticifacion

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 6:17 pm
by jbeuken
Hello Igor,

First of all, the configuration of Digest must be made with the prosilver style ( not implemented with subsilver2 )

In your "User Control Panel" / tab "Digests" / "Basics" / "Type of digest wanted" : did you see "Daily" ( I force DAY in the phpbb_users table in the DB )

concerning your list of subscribed forum, I don't see anything in the "phpbb_digests_subscribed_forums" table
can you re-submit the list ?



Re: Subscribed to forums but not receiving mail noticifacion

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 9:16 am
by ilukacevic
Hi Jean-Michel,
thnx for answering.

jbeuken wrote:First of all, the configuration of Digest must be made with the prosilver style ( not implemented with subsilver2 )

I have prosilver style turned on from the start.

jbeuken wrote:In your "User Control Panel" / tab "Digests" / "Basics" / "Type of digest wanted" : did you see "Daily" ( I force DAY in the phpbb_users table in the DB )


jbeuken wrote:concerning your list of subscribed forum, I don't see anything in the "phpbb_digests_subscribed_forums" table
can you re-submit the list ?


Btw, oddly enough, for the last two days I received the notifications. Nevertheless, I resubmitted the subscriptions. I'll be in touch.


Igor L.

Re: Subscribed to forums but not receiving mail noticifacion

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 6:12 pm
by pouillon
You should also check that your spam filter is not too zealous.

Re: Subscribed to forums but not receiving mail noticifacion

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 6:26 pm
by jbeuken

it's not so oddly : two days before, the subscription was to "None" and I forced it to "Day"

I suspect that, the last update of Digest module resets all subscriptions...

happy that it works...


[SOLVED]Subscribed to forums but not receiving mail noticifa

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 9:10 pm
by ilukacevic
Thanks for the help, guys!

Igor L.