When specifying --enable-64bit-flags (configure) in ABINIT 8.2.2, we noticed that some (?) dependencies should be adapted. For BigDFT, the problem becomes visible when switching from Intel 2016 tot Intel 2017 compilers:
E.g. ./fallbacks/sources/bigdft- since integer and integer(kind=8) are the same when using -i8, we had to change the one with integer to integer(kind=4), if not, it resulted in an overloading problem.
Are there other issues known with fall back libraries when specifying the --enable-64bit-flags?
64bit and fall back libraries?
Moderators: fgoudreault, mcote
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Please have a look at ~abinit/doc/config/build-config.ac in the source package for detailed and up-to-date information about the configuration of Abinit 8 builds.
For a video explanation on how to build Abinit 7.x for Linux, please go to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DppLQ-KQA68.
IMPORTANT: when an answer solves your problem, please check the little green V-like button on its upper-right corner to accept it.
Please have a look at ~abinit/doc/config/build-config.ac in the source package for detailed and up-to-date information about the configuration of Abinit 8 builds.
For a video explanation on how to build Abinit 7.x for Linux, please go to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DppLQ-KQA68.
IMPORTANT: when an answer solves your problem, please check the little green V-like button on its upper-right corner to accept it.