Consistency check: finite diff. vs DFPT on el-ph matrix el.

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Consistency check: finite diff. vs DFPT on el-ph matrix el.

Post by sponce » Wed Nov 23, 2011 2:15 pm

Consistency check: finite diff. vs DFPT on el-ph matrix elements along phonon modes: the ep_prt_yambo input variable

Dear all,

I tried to compare a specific matrix element computed in the rf part of abinit with a finite difference approach.

First I choose to look at the contribution of the L q-point on the gamma k point of Diamond. And specifically at the contribution of the LO mode on the first electronic band at gamma. I choose this because of it is a non degenerate mode and a non degenerate band. The corresponding matrix element is:

<n'k+q | dV/dR | nk> = <1L| H(1) | 1G>

1) RF using abinit

File for generating DDB and GKK

Code: Select all

ndtset 10
# DATASET 1 : make ground state wavefunctions and density

tolwfr1 1.0d-18
nline1 8     # This is to expedite the convergence of higher-lying bands
rfphon1  0  # for DS1 do _not_ do perturbation
nqpt1 0      # for DS1 do _not_ do perturbation
prtwf1 1     # need GS wavefunctions for further runs
getwfk1  0

# enforce calculation of forces at each SCF step
optforces 1

qpt2                    0.00000000E+00  0.00000000E+00  0.00000000E+00
qpt3                     2.50000000E-01  0.00000000E+00  0.00000000E+00
qpt4                     5.00000000E-01  0.00000000E+00  0.00000000E+00
qpt5                     2.50000000E-01  2.50000000E-01  0.00000000E+00
qpt6                     5.00000000E-01  2.50000000E-01  0.00000000E+00
qpt7                    -2.50000000E-01  2.50000000E-01  0.00000000E+00
qpt8                     5.00000000E-01  5.00000000E-01  0.00000000E+00
qpt9                    -2.50000000E-01  5.00000000E-01  2.50000000E-01

#  DS5 get DDK perturbation (stored in GKK matrix element files)
tolwfr10 1.0d-18
qpt10 0 0 0
rfphon10 0
rfelfd10 2
prtwf10 0

# General data for all phonon calculations:
rfatpol  1 2      # Treat displacement of the two atoms.
rfdir  1 1 1      # Do all direction
rfphon  1         # Do phonon response
prtwf   0         # for response function runs,
                     # do not keep first order wavefunctions
tolvrs   1.0e-12
getwfk  1
nqpt 1
prepgkk 1         # force all perturbations to be calculated for q-points considered
prtgkk 1          # print out GKK files containing electron-phonon coupling

#  Common data for GS and perturbation runs
ngkpt 4 4 4
kptopt 3

#  use a centered grid for the kpoints: obligatory for el-ph for the moment
nshiftk 1
shiftk 0.0 0.0 0.0

ecut 20
acell 3*6.6709983131
 0.0 0.5 0.5
 0.5 0.0 0.5
 0.5 0.5 0.0

nband 10

# Cell dependent parameters
occopt 1
natom 2
typat 1 1
xred 0.00 0.00 0.00
     0.25 0.25 0.25
nstep 300
ntypat 1
znucl 6
diemac 6
enunit 2

The merge input files:

Code: Select all

Total ddb for CaS FCC system

Code: Select all

telphon_3o_GKK.bin   # Name of output file
0                    # binary (0) or ascii (1) output
telphon_1o_DS1_WFK   # GS wavefunction file
0  48 48              # number of 1WF files, of GKK files, and of perturbations in the GKK files
telphon_1o_DS2_GKK1  # names of the 1WF then the (eventual) GKK files

The anaddb file:

Code: Select all

# turn on calculation of the electron-phonon quantities
elphflag 1

nqpath 1
 0.0 0.0 0.0

ep_prt_yambo 1

#  impose acoustic sum rule in a symmetric way
asr 2
dipdip 0                  # Dipole-dipole interaction treatment

#  bravais lattice necessary
 brav 1                   # Bravais lattic simple cubic
 ngqpt 4 4 4              # Monkhorst Pack indices
 nqshft 1                 # Number of q-points in repeted basic q-cell
 q1shft 0.0 0.0 0.0

ifcflag 1
ifcana 1

#  print dielectric matrix with freq dependence
dieflag 0

#  print out eigenvectors and symmetrize dyn matrix
eivec 1

#Wavevector list number 1 (Reduced coordinates and normalization factor)
nph1l 0

# This line added when defaults were changed (v5.3) to keep the previous, old behaviour
  symdynmat 0

All this give me a yambo_elphon_gkk_bymode file that contain the matrix element I'm interested in:

Code: Select all

reduced coord qpoint no      3    0.5000000000E+00    0.0000000000E+00    0.0000000000E+00
 matrix elements of all phonon modes for this q-point
 kpoint      1
 el bands n,np      1     1
 mat el for phonon mode num =      1    0.6148462851E-12    0.1910195268E-12
 mat el for phonon mode num =      2    0.3322124045E-12    0.6254075303E-12
 mat el for phonon mode num =      3   -0.1993910522E-11    0.5519944168E-12
 mat el for phonon mode num =      4    0.1166239653E-02   -0.1471911143E-12
 mat el for phonon mode num =      5    0.4120494136E-13    0.2338180477E-12
 mat el for phonon mode num =      6   -0.4321510669E-11   -0.3949574423E-12

We can see that the LO phonon mode give a matrix element of 0.1166239653E-02-0.1471911143E-12j

2) Finite difference using abinit

For the finite difference calculation I used the exact same psp, ecut, acell, conv. criteria etc..
As I'm considering the L phonon mode I made a 2x1x1 supercell with 4 atoms (2 per primitive cell). The k grid is then 2x4x4.

As a first check I computed the phonon frequency by making finite difference on the total energy and obtain very good result:
For the LO phonon I have 0.0589 Ha by finite difference (the convergence over a small displacement parameter (lambda or h) is made for finite difference calculations). This result compare well with the DFPT phonon freq. of LO phonon of 0.005890477 Ha.

Here is my python script used to determine the displacement that I have to made in order to make the finite difference calculation. This script is based on solving the eigenvalue problem based on the knowledge of the dynamical matrix obtained by DFPT.

Code: Select all

import numpy as np

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Find the eigenvector and eigenenergies from the dynamical matrix
# computed using DFPT in ABINIT
# ------------------------------------------------------------------

# Location of the Dynamical matrix file
L_file = '/home/Samuel/Documents/WorkDiam/AHC_comparison_with_yambo/0/Dynamical-mat-L.dat'

# Carbon mass in a.u.

def read_dynamical_matrix(datafile):
  with open(datafile,'r') as f:
    raw = list()
    for line in f:
      if line[0]=='#': continue
      if not parts: continue
      if np.abs(val) < 0.000000001:
    dynmat = np.array(raw)
    dynmat = dynmat.reshape(6,6)
  return dynmat



print "eigenvalues at L :"
for n in eigvalL:
  a = np.sqrt(n/Mc)
  print a

print "eigenvectors at L :"
for n in eigvectL: print n

# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Create Abinit input file for finite difference on eigen energies and other
# -------------------------------------------------------------------

# Value and number of the displacement (always 1/2 of the previous)
h = np.array([0.1,0.05,0.025,0.0125,0.00625,0.003125,0.0015625])

# Cell parameters
acell = np.array([13.336533,6.6682665177,6.6682665177])
rprim = np.array([[0.0,0.5,0.5],[0.5,0.0,0.5],[0.5,0.5,0.0]])
cell = np.mat([rprim[0]*acell[0],rprim[1]*acell[1],rprim[2]*acell[2]])
xred = np.mat([[0.0,0.0,0.0],[0.125,0.25,0.25],[0.5,0.0,0.0],\

# In the specific case of the L point, h = -h
# Indice that record the number of xcart in the input file
j = 1

# Equilibrium position
print "  "
print "Contribution of the L point on the electronic eigenenergies at Gamma"
print "and the first part of the NDDW."
print "Using finite difference."
print " "
print " xcart%.0f    %.15f  %.15f  %.15f  "%(j,(xred[0]*cell)[0,0],\
print "           %.15f  %.15f  %.15f  "%((xred[1]*cell)[0,0],\
print "           %.15f  %.15f  %.15f  "%((xred[2]*cell)[0,0],\
print "           %.15f  %.15f  %.15f  "%((xred[3]*cell)[0,0],\
print "  "
j += 1

for disp in h:
# LO mode
  i = 1
  print " xcart%.0f    %.15f  %.15f  %.15f  "%(j,(xred[0]*cell)[0,0]+\
  print "           %.15f  %.15f  %.15f  "%((xred[1]*cell)[0,0]+\
  print "           %.15f  %.15f  %.15f  "%((xred[2]*cell)[0,0]-\
  print "           %.15f  %.15f  %.15f  "%((xred[3]*cell)[0,0]-\
  print "  "
  j += 1

As we have a supercell there is a folding that will happen. The matrix element we want to compute is actually:

<n'k+q | dV/dR | nk> = <1L| H(1) | 1G> = <2G|H(1)|1G>

It can be shown (by making a taylor expansion of |psi_1(lambda)> and other quantities that :

<2G|H(1)|1G> = (e_1(lambda) - e_2(0)) <psi_2(0)|psi_1(1)> + O(lambda^2)

with indices indicating the band number and (0) an equilibrium position (unperturbed quantity) and with psi_1(1) = (psi_1(lambda)-psi_1(0))/lambda the first order perturbation obtained by finite difference also.

Using the following script (using the cut3d tool of abinit):

Code: Select all

# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# This python script is used to compute the matrix element
#  <n,k+q|H(1)|n',k>
# Here we specfically take n=1, n'=2 at gamma
# This correspond to k=gamma and q=L
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
import os
import numpy as np

def read_eigenenergies(datafile):
  flag = False
  with open(datafile,'r') as f:
    for line in f:
      if flag:
        eigenenergies = map(float,line.split())
      if "kpt=  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000" in line:
        flag = True
  return eigenenergies

def use_cut3d(datafile,out,gamma,band):
  if datafile[len(datafile)-3:len(datafile)] == "POT":
    os.system("rm cut3d.files")
    with open("cut3d.files","a") as files:
      files.write("1 \n")
      files.write("5 \n")  #3D formatted data
                           #(output the bare 3D data - one column)
      files.write("0 \n")
    os.system("cut3d < cut3d.files ")
  if datafile[len(datafile)-3:len(datafile)] == "WFK":
    os.system("rm wfk.files")
    with open("wfk.files","a") as files:
      files.write("1 \n")
      files.write("0 \n")
      files.write(str(gamma)+" \n") # Gamma point
      files.write(str(band)+" \n") # Band nb 6
      files.write("0 \n")
      files.write("0 \n")
      files.write("1 \n") # real 3D data one column
      files.write(str(out)+" \n")
      files.write("0 \n")
    os.system("cut3d < wfk.files ")

def first_order_wf(wfk0,wfk1,lam):
  S=0.0; N=0.0
  psi0 = np.loadtxt(wfk0).view(complex)
  psi1 = np.loadtxt(wfk1).view(complex)
  S = (psi1-psi0)/lam 
#  np.savetxt('first_order_wfc.txt', S)
  return S

def integrationwf(wfk1,wfk2):
  S=0.0; N=0.0
  psi1 = np.loadtxt(wfk1).view(complex)
  if type(wfk2) != str:
    psi2 = wfk2
    S = psi1.conj()*psi2
    N1 = psi1.conj()*psi1
    return S.sum()/N1.sum()
    psi2 = np.loadtxt(wfk2).view(complex)
    S = psi1.conj()*psi2
    N1 = psi1.conj()*psi1
    return S.sum()/N1.sum()

# The base name for the supercell files are assumed to be named "supercell"
# and the primitive as assumed to be named "primitive"
# Value and number of the displacement
h = np.array([0.1,0.05,0.025,0.0125,0.00625,0.003125,0.0015625])
# Initialisation values
k = 0

# Frequency (computed in DFPT using ABINIT)
omega = np.array([0.00480084,0.005785943,0.002453274,0.005671174])

# Carbon mass in a.u.
Mc = 21894.16693

# --------------------------------------------------
# Compute <psi|dVscf|psi> = de_1G
# --------------------------------------------------

# Second derivative using finite centred differences
# The second dimension is the number of h in geometric progression
# h,h/2,h/4,h/8 etc..
# The third index correspond to modes (here 4)
# The first index correspond to the Richardson extrapolation
D = np.zeros([len(h),len(h),4])

# Prepare equilibrium files
# k=gamma
# q = L
use_cut3d("supercello_DS1_WFK","wfkEQ",1,2) # psi_2^{(0)}
use_cut3d("supercello_DS1_WFK","wfkEQ",1,1) # psi_2^{(0)}

energy2 = read_eigenenergies("supercello_DS1_EIG")

while k < len(h):
  use_cut3d("supercello_DS"+str(k+2)+"_WFK","wfk",1,1) # psi_1(lambda)
  psi1 = first_order_wf("wfkEQ_k1_b1_s1","wfk_k1_b1_s1",h[k])
  print "psi1", psi1
  LO = integrationwf("wfkEQ_k1_b2_s1",psi1)
  print "LO:", LO
  energy1 = read_eigenenergies("supercello_DS"+str(k+2)+"_EIG")

# Define the phase
# phase = <psi1(0)|psi1(lambda)>/| <psi1(0)|psi1(lambda)>|
  phase_int = integrationwf("wfkEQ_k1_b1_s1","wfk_k1_b1_s1")
  phase_mod = np.abs(phase_int)
  phase = phase_int/phase_mod
#  print "phase",phase
  print "elph",elph
#  g12k=elph*(np.sqrt(1/(2*Mc*omega[1])))
#  print "g12k", g12k
# LA mode
  D[0,k,0] = elph
  k += 1

l = 0
while l < len(h):
  k = 0
  while k < len(h):
    if (l-1) >= 0 and (k-1) >= 0:
#     LA mode   
      D[l,k,0] = (D[l-1,k,0]-(D[l-1,k-1,0]*(1.0/(2**(2*l)))))/\
      if D[l-1,k-1,0] == 0.0:
        D[l,k,0] = 0.0
#     LO mode
    k += 1
  l += 1
print "Richardson extrapolation of <psi_2^{(0)}|dVscf|psi_1^{(0)} for LO"
print D

I obtain a value (after convergence of the finite difference using a Richardson extrapolation) of 0.05747 + 1E-12j

This value compare poorly with the one obtained by the 77_ddb/prt_gkk_yambo routine.

Am I missing something? Is there additional stuff in the yambo_elphon_gkk_bymode file? (not the yambo_elphon_gkksqtw_bymode)

Thank you.


PS: If you want to run the calculations, it take less than 10 min on a normal desktop computer.
Last edited by sponce on Thu Dec 01, 2011 12:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Consistency check: finite diff. vs DFPT on el-ph matrix

Post by mverstra » Sat Nov 26, 2011 1:30 am

Hello Samuel,

good that someone is doing these checks - we are in the process of verifying similar things as well.

You could start with something simpler, with just 1 type of atom in the unit cell, or even just 1 atom. You may not have interesting DW terms, but we can narrow down if there actually is a problem in elphon or prt_gkk_yambo.

The first thing to check would be the agreement between the epc matrix element in the GKK file (use second line of mrggkk input file = 1 for ascii output to read out the matrix elements) for primitive perturbations, not for composite mode-dependent ones. If these agree with the corresponding things you get out of your scripts, good - this means your finite difference is correct. These come straight out of abinit's phonon calculation (perturbed eigenvalue matrix for the psi(1)), so they have not been processed by anaddb/elphon yet.

If you want to freeze modes for certain q-points, you can also use the anaddb input variable: ... eeze_displ

Next, the prt gkk yambo outputs the scalar product of the gkk matrix elements with the phonon displacement vectors. This could be part of the difference you observe, if you are just calculating the gkk "along the phonon _eigenvector_" (hence mode specific). I have not analysed your whole code to see exactly what it does, but your procedure looks quite thorough. Could you also check more matrix elements? If there is a constant factor between the RF and finite differences it's another story...

We have (only) used some of the prt_gkk_yambo output for some molecules (no q different from gamma) and the orders of magnitude were reasonable compared to experiments.

good luck...

Matthieu Verstraete
University of Liege, Belgium

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Re: Consistency check: finite diff. vs DFPT on el-ph matrix

Post by sponce » Sun Nov 27, 2011 6:49 pm

Dear Matthieu,

Thank you for your reply.

I took a look at the GKK txt file (by the way this file is not very human readable..). You have for each q-point and each perturbations (in my case 8 q-points and 6 perturbation) a bunch of number. As in my case I have 64 column and 8 lines (or 48 column and 6 lines). I suppose the 8/6 lines corresponds to k points and the 64/48 I'm not very sure (maybe symmetries?)

Code: Select all

Second record :
 bantot,intxc,ixc,natom  =    48     0     2     2
 ngfft(1:3),nkpt         =    20    20    20     6
 nspden,nspinor          =     1     1
 nsppol,nsym,npsp,ntypat =     1    48     1     1
 occopt,pertcase,usepaw  =     1     4     0
 ecut,ecutdg,ecutsm      =  2.2000000000E+01  2.2000000000E+01  0.0000000000E+00
 ecut_eff                =  2.2000000000E+01
 qptn(1:3)               =  5.0000000000E-01  0.0000000000E+00  0.0000000000E+00
 rprimd(1:3,1)           =  0.0000000000E+00  3.3150000000E+00  3.3150000000E+00
 rprimd(1:3,2)           =  3.3150000000E+00  0.0000000000E+00  3.3150000000E+00
 rprimd(1:3,3)           =  3.3150000000E+00  3.3150000000E+00  0.0000000000E+00
 stmbias,tphysel,tsmear  =  0.0000000000E+00  0.0000000000E+00  4.0000000000E-02


Code: Select all

 0.44595139423422464       1.77809156287622727E-016  0.62556261897994014      -1.16226472890446075E-016 -0.30682675412234534       1.94289029309402395E-016  0.19201311145008293      -1.80411241501587938E-016 -8.19643252579404236E-002  2.77555756156289135E-017  7.00803806696240206E-002 -2.77555756156289135E-017  9.22065433236523430E-002 -2.49800180540660222E-016  4.01291708801466140E-002 -3.46944695195361419E-018 -0.37962713652926161      -2.60208521396521064E-017 -0.26859958650978760       1.50573997714786856E-015  0.85066309406647533      -4.57966997657877073E-016 -0.49393898705373085       4.85722573273505986E-016  0.15021368827388526      -8.60422844084496319E-016  0.32862429177217994       8.60422844084496319E-016  0.61346448972327849      -1.66533453693773481E-016 -1.83142586366989435E-002 -1.74860126378462155E-015 -0.23378226550280476       3.81639164714897561E-017 -0.28773904977673476      -2.08166817117216851E-016  0.36109031140769726       1.24900090270330111E-016 -0.28675358262984174      -5.20417042793042128E-016 -0.43883973791676112       1.38777878078144568E-016 -0.34809016403378051      -6.93889390390722838E-017  0.40020860795904312       5.55111512312578270E-017 -4.41069234458554768E-002  4.23272528138340931E-016  2.79210028743514319E-002  1.92207361138230226E-015 -0.53962677235096446      -1.49186218934005410E-015 -0.62597631717959035       2.35922392732845765E-016  0.40503017872535296      -9.71445146547011973E-017 -7.66401033568450130E-002  3.60822483003175876E-016  0.22370544873011475      -1.38777878078144568E-016  5.74216541691718874E-002  1.55431223447521916E-015 -0.14876957244473210       9.57567358739197516E-016 -5.60184753092377030E-003  3.38162657598228833E-016  0.28114232408925982       2.13414355632046693E-015 -0.44160851631024184      -2.02095284951298026E-015 -1.02740840100565278E-003  1.21300539057678236E-015  0.19844634419925669      -1.39558503642334131E-015  0.80028768460450306       1.46931078415235561E-015  0.41130628923019552       2.79290479632265942E-016 -0.40381303757292397      -2.94686150481560105E-015 -3.48195138152371866E-002 -1.23154524772628449E-015  0.27721407046753532       8.13151629364128326E-017 -0.35113226428653666      -5.55111512312578270E-017  0.43474789936268315      -1.02348685082631619E-016 -0.75338646167169221      -1.43982048506074989E-016 -0.10768220711724515      -3.47812056933349822E-016  0.49109452094624950      -1.04950770296596829E-015 -0.41367732052904099       1.90819582357448780E-017  0.20872817982831593       1.49403059368502511E-015  0.64673873923870129      -3.90312782094781596E-016  0.30793987926721234      -9.29811783123568603E-016 -0.16428708911692078       1.93421667571413991E-016  0.10195528420346833      -5.96744875736021640E-016 -0.18656039925249518       4.09394740330526474E-016  0.29912029517154665       1.91860416443034865E-015 -0.81162776245840806       3.33066907387546962E-016  0.20238776613061746      -4.30211422042248159E-016  0.40657805854172357      -5.06539254985227672E-016 -0.44524198141133736       1.59594559789866253E-016  0.27863377964857727      -2.16840434497100887E-016 -0.31825233153517957       4.16333634234433703E-017  0.27210917067319196       9.71445146547011973E-017 -0.17045228569448914      -6.59194920871186696E-016 -0.59498993355888818       2.63677968348474678E-016

(6 blocks like this)

Thank you for the freeze_displ variable in anaddb. I didn't know it. I tested it in an anaddb input file for the L q-point and a value of freeze_displ=0.1 and got 6 new files corresponding to the 6 modes. Looking at the 4th one (LO), I found this:

Code: Select all

xcart     0.2759019314E-03    0.2759019314E-03    0.2759019314E-03
           0.1667473676E+01    0.1667473676E+01    0.1667473676E+01
          -0.2759019314E-03    0.3335223255E+01    0.3335223255E+01
           0.1668025480E+01    0.5003524637E+01    0.5003524637E+01

As you can see the norm of the total displacement of the two atoms along the phonon mode gives sqrt(6*(0.2759019314E-03**2))=0.00067581895097836801 and not 0.1 as I would of expected...

As a comparison my scripts gives me:

Code: Select all

 xcart    0.040824829810633  -0.040824827654666  0.040824830354621  
           1.626924748911545  1.708574403831663  1.626924746736720 
           -0.040824829810633  3.376323977654666  3.294674319645379 
           1.708574407638455  4.962423899443337  5.044073556538280

for the same mode. This gives sqrt(6*(0.040824829810633**2)) = 0.1

Using the displacement given by the variable freeze_displ and using 0.1 as lambda displacement parameter I get: -0.00038875+1.13943949909e-18j



EDIT: The difference comes from the normalisation by the carbon mass in atomic unit. I now have the same value.

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Re: Consistency check: finite diff. vs DFPT on el-ph matrix

Post by sponce » Thu Dec 15, 2011 9:35 pm

Dear all,

As suggested by Matthieu I tried to compare matrix element in reducible coordinate rather than along conjugate phonon mode.

First I would like to point that the system I choose to study is indeed diamond and not CaS as wrongly mentioned in my first post.

I believe that this is the easiest system with two atoms per unit cell (to still have some interesting features).

The GKK contain the following el-phonon matrix elements:


In order to compute <1,L|dV/dR_tau,alpha|1,G> I created a 2x1x1 supercell with 4 atoms. In the q=L point the atoms from the first unit cell will move in one direction and the atoms from the other will move in the opposite direction.

Due to folding of the electronic band structure while doing electroninc bandstructure calculation this matrix element correspond to <2,G|dV/dR_tau,alpha|1,G>

Let us make a perturbation expansion of the form \psi(\lambda) = \psi^0 + \lambda \psi^{(1)} + ...

<\psi_2^0|\epsilon_1(\lambda)|\psi_1(\lambda)> = <\psi_2^0|H(\lambda)|\psi_1(\lambda)>

\epsilon_1(\lambda)( <\psi_2^0|\psi_1^0> + \lambda<\psi_2^0|\psi_1^(1)> + O(\lambda^2) ) = \epsilon_1^0<\psi_2^0|\psi_1^0> + \lambda<\psi_2^(0)|H^(1)|\psi_1^(0)>+\lambda<\psi_2^(0)|H^(0)|\psi_1^(1)> + O(\lambda^2)

The first terms on the left and on the right of the last equation are both zero due to orthonormality condition.

This last equation reduces itself down to:

<\psi_2^0|H^(1)|\psi_1^0> = (\epsilon_1(\lambda)-\epsilon_2^0)<\psi_2^0|\psi_1^(1)> + 0(\lambda^2)

avec \psi_1^(1) = (\psi_1(\lambda)-\psi_1^0)/\lambda

Using the same pseudo and all (expect the k-point grid. 4x4x4 and 2x4x4 in the supercell case) I got the following result:

qptn 0.5 0.0 0.0
pertcase 1 (along 0.0 0.5 0.5 direction)
0.5 0.0 0.0
==>n'=1, n=1 :::: -0.445951-2.56E-16j
==>n'=1, n=2 :::: 0.625562-5.1E-16j
1.0 0.0 0.0
==>n'=1, n=1 :::: -0.445951-1.5E-16j
==>n'=1, n=2 :::: 0.37962+1.8E-17j
==>n'=2, n=1 :::: 0.625562-5.6E-10j

pertcase 2 (along 0.5 0.0 0.5 direction)
0.5 0.0 0.0
==>n'=1, n=1 :::: -2.04E-10+1.05E-16j
==>n'=1, n=2 :::: 1.25E-11-2.1E-16j
1.0 0.0 0.0
==>n'=1, n=1 :::: -2.04E-16-1.5E-16j
==>n'=1, n=2 :::: 0.3185+1.8E-17j
==>n'=2, n=1 :::: 1.28E-11-5.6E-16j

qptn 0.5 0.0 0.0
pertcase 1 (along 0.0 0.5 0.5 direction)
0.0 0.0 0.0
==>n'=1, n=1 :::: -0.469973-2E-17j
==>n'=2, n=1 :::: 0.74031-1E-16j

pertcase 2 (along 0.5 0.0 0.5 direction)
0.0 0.0 0.0
==>n'=1, n=1 :::: 9.49E-11-1.6E-17j
==>n'=2, n=1 :::: 1.39E-9-2E-17j

As we can see the agreement is not that good... any suggestions?

PS: The abinit forum should contain latex flag...
