About input variable "dmatpawu", "initial Density Matirx for PAW+U", the helpfiles says,
"For the case l=2 (d states), the five columns
corresponds respectively to (the normalisation factor has been
m=-2, xy
m=-1, yz
m=0, 3z^2-r^2
m=1, xz
m=2, x^2-y^2"
And in the output file of a code using LDA+U, for example the tldau_3.out of the tutorial LDA+U about NiO, there are matrics called "Occupation matrix for correlated orbitals"
I think the elements of the matrix might be seen as the following:
If there is a d state density matrix M, so M=
Code: Select all
xy yz 3z^2-r^2 xz x^2-y^2"
xy M(1,1)
3z^2-r^2 ........
x^2-y^2 M(5,5)
the elements of the matirx M, for example, M(1,1) stands for the projection on the xy orbital, etc. therefore, only the diagonal elements are valid. And if there are only t2g electrons, the elements M(3,3)and M(5,5) who stand for the projection on 3z^2-r^2 and x^2-y^2 should not appear.
But in my computaional results, every element of the matrix is comparably large and can not be neglected. So i think maybe there is something wrong with my understanding about the density matrix and the input variable "dmatpawu".
Can anybody tell me how to define input density matrixes and analyze the orbital from the output matrixes?
Thanks a lot!
Yours' localspin