Parallel External Libraries
Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 2:22 am
As I understand it, ABINIT comes with its own internal LAPACK and BLAS libraries. Recently I have learned about parallel versions of LAPACK (ScaLAPACK), BLAS (PBLAS) and parallel-netcdf. My question is: does ABINIT have any support for these, and if yes, how should I connect them? Also, would this type of parallelism have any benefits beyond k-point/band parallelism?
As I understand it, ABINIT comes with its own internal LAPACK and BLAS libraries. Recently I have learned about parallel versions of LAPACK (ScaLAPACK), BLAS (PBLAS) and parallel-netcdf. My question is: does ABINIT have any support for these, and if yes, how should I connect them? Also, would this type of parallelism have any benefits beyond k-point/band parallelism?