installation problem abinit 7.2.2
Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 5:10 pm
dear all,
I am trying to install abinit 7.2.2 on opensuse 12.3 system. first i installed intel C and fortran compilers then mpich to /opt file. then added related paths to .bashrc then i confıgured the abinit "ac " file as here and coppied it to ~/.abinit/build file and coppied all fallbacks files to ~/.abinit/tarballs file.
when ı use
"./configure --prefix=/opt/abinit/mpich2"
command to confıgure abınıt it gives
"configure: error: the requested mkl+scalapack linear algebra flavor is not supported on this architecture"
error on screen. if i changed mkl+scalapack to custom this warning disappears. but this time i faced with the
"The error "HAVE_MPI1 and HAVE_MPI2 are both undefined" error. i read too much forum topics ("--with-mpi-level=2" or "--with-mpi-level=1" didnt worked )to solve this problem but nothing changed. file content:
I am trying to install abinit 7.2.2 on opensuse 12.3 system. first i installed intel C and fortran compilers then mpich to /opt file. then added related paths to .bashrc then i confıgured the abinit "ac " file as here and coppied it to ~/.abinit/build file and coppied all fallbacks files to ~/.abinit/tarballs file.
when ı use
"./configure --prefix=/opt/abinit/mpich2"
command to confıgure abınıt it gives
"configure: error: the requested mkl+scalapack linear algebra flavor is not supported on this architecture"
error on screen. if i changed mkl+scalapack to custom this warning disappears. but this time i faced with the
"The error "HAVE_MPI1 and HAVE_MPI2 are both undefined" error. i read too much forum topics ("--with-mpi-level=2" or "--with-mpi-level=1" didnt worked )to solve this problem but nothing changed. file content:
Code: Select all
--with_linalg_libs="-L/opt/intel/Compiler/mkl/lib/intel64 -Wl,--start-group -lmkl_scalapack_lp64 -lmkl_blacs_lp64 -lmkl_intel_lp64 -lmkl_sequential -lmkl_core -Wl,--end-group