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is "make dist" broken?

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 4:38 pm
by jzwanzig
after running "make dist" on my 6.3.1-public branch and moving the .tar.gz file to another machine, it won't compile--it fails at src/12_hide_mpi/m_xmpi.F90, with output like

../../../src/12_hide_mpi/m_xmpi.F90:606: error: xallgather_mpi.F90: No such file or directory plus numerous more such errors. I have used "make dist" in the past with no trouble, this seems to be recent. Is there something with the modules that "make dist" is failing to get right?


Re: is "make dist" broken?  [SOLVED]

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 6:41 pm
by gonze
Dear Joe,

Yes, make dist is indeed broken in the current v6.3.1 trunk.
It happened on July 30, with Matteo introducing m_xmpi.F90
in 12_hide_mpi, with a list of includes of F90 routines,
and suppression of these routines from the 12_hide_mpi/abinit.src file.
The latter list is used by the build system to decide the
list of routine to be included in the tar.gz .
I will see with Matteo and Yann what is the best solution ...

Best regards,