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Problem to install abinit-6.4.1

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 1:51 pm
by Bernard NAOUSSI
Dear all

I have problem to install abinit-6.4.1
It configure well but when I make "*/*/makemake, this message appear:

Generating macros for the Autotools...make-macros-autotools: Error: M4 is too old-please install vl.4.8 or above
make-macros-autotools: Aborting now

I want a help please

I want to known in which directory i can take vl.4.8 to install in linux opensuse??

Kind Regards


Re: Problem to install abinit-6.4.1

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 11:42 pm
by pouillon
You do not need to run makemake to build Abinit. Just uncompress the tarball and run the following:

Code: Select all

mkdir tmp && cd tmp && ../configure [put options here] && make

The Autotools are needed only if you modify the source tree of Abinit, i.e. if you're developing. Most users don't even have to know what the Autotools are, since their use is fully transparent. In grief, you don't even need to install M4.

For more details, you may read