Dear all:
I'm calculating DOS of metal atoms attached on graphene system. While my calculation encounter with such error:
ioarr: writing density data
ioarr: file name is DOS_1_pdoso_DEN
ioarr: data written to disk file DOS_1_pdoso_DEN
partial_dos_fractions : spaceComm = 91
partial_dos_fractions : rmax = 9.1195166547749629E-316
SPLINE_CUBIC_SET - Fatal error!
The number of knots must be at least 2.
The input value of N = 1
Could someone tell me how to handle with this problem? Thanks very much! My input file is like this:
# cell paramaters
acell 1.3892532675E+01 1.3892511278E+01 1.8897261250E+01
angdeg 90 90 120
# Atomic position and type
natom 20
ntypat 2
znucl 6 47
typat 18*1 2 2
xangst -4.8419099583E-05 2.6685910980E-05 -5.2775983026E-02
-1.2248827800E+00 2.1213246985E+00 -4.9867455909E-02
-2.4509253410E+00 4.2448878970E+00 -3.5628106064E-02
2.4499599360E+00 8.8423458053E-04 -3.5622901651E-02
1.2228791593E+00 2.1209711835E+00 -5.2324844414E-02
1.9484059984E-03 4.2440911586E+00 -2.0435855298E-02
4.9020457793E+00 8.8475794160E-04 -4.9874078722E-02
3.6781410939E+00 2.1216434468E+00 -2.5810372988E-02
2.4510930486E+00 4.2482932754E+00 -5.2326391737E-02
1.2243711935E+00 7.0724956775E-01 -4.9874115446E-02
1.8456759590E-04 2.8268952084E+00 -5.2326379081E-02
-1.2268634793E+00 4.9535450422E+00 -2.5810361107E-02
3.6764570380E+00 7.0725008785E-01 -3.5622894987E-02
2.4493292060E+00 2.8310973310E+00 -2.0435905000E-02
1.2283984566E+00 4.9542173026E+00 -5.2324788811E-02
6.1264653935E+00 7.0810764024E-01 -5.2775976929E-02
4.9022029556E+00 2.8303005928E+00 -3.5628104115E-02
3.6761603943E+00 4.9538637875E+00 -4.9867463894E-02
2.3319699274E+00 2.8987658521E+00 2.7946659897E+00
1.1930892180E-01 4.1764210438E+00 2.7946660655E+00
# Defination of SCF
ixc 1
iscf 7
nstep 800
# Plane wave basis and k-point grid
ecut 50
ecutsm 0.5
dilatmx 1.05
ngkpt 4 4 1
nshiftk 1
shiftk 0.0 0.0 0.5
kptopt 1
nband 60
occopt 3
tsmear 0.001
# SCF convergence tol.
toldfe 1.0d-9
diemac 4.0
diemix 0.5
#iprcel 45
wfoptalg 1
nbdblock 4
nsppol 2
spinat 0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 1
0 0 -1
prtdos 3
natsph 2
iatsph 19 20
ratsph 2.0
prtdos=3 error
Moderator: bguster
Re: prtdos=3 error
Have you tried to use more k-point on the z direction ?
Re: prtdos=3 error
You need to specify an ratsph value for each atom (or leave the default for all). Here for some reason abinit found "2.0 0" and tries to integrate to radius 0 (rmax) which the routine is not happy to do - it has no points to integrate.
Matthieu Verstraete
University of Liege, Belgium
University of Liege, Belgium