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Re: runing abinit in free supercomputer  [SOLVED]

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 10:35 am
by ilukacevic

There are conditionally free computational resources. Basically you have to have a problem which will be your justification that you use resources for computation only. For example, you have to write a project proposal and if it is accepted you can run calculation regarding the project problem. Look, for example, at There are others, too.

Best regards,


Re: runing abinit in free supercomputer

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 6:26 pm
by jbeuken
take a look on
free limited number of cores, ABINIT already installed based on 6.12 ( pretty old :( ) )


TDDFT absorption spectrum

Posted: Sat May 30, 2015 8:36 pm
by lilya
i'm doing calculations with TDDFT theory in order to have opticals properties for my perovskite structure,the problem is that in abinit TDDFT out put they give juste results of oscillator strengths(average,xx,yy ..) and exitation energies,can any one help me how to use theses results for plotting the absorption spectrum?
are there any specific software for doing it?please any help is very importante for me.
best regards.

PHD student in UMI of morroco