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Post by VasiaS » Sat Apr 07, 2012 10:16 am

hello, I have installed the abinit 6.12.2 with magma 1.1 and I get an error: Segmentation fault (signal 11). my magma tests are successfully worked but there are minor limitations associated with small GPU memory (1 Gb). I would have thought that this limitation is to blame, if not would receive this error during "make" and this error is located in different places, and sometimes it may not exist. maybe somebody tried to use Abinit with magma :?:

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Re: abinit+magma

Post by torrent » Tue Apr 17, 2012 5:55 pm


The first test to perform is to execute the GPU automatic tests series.

Go into the Abinit build directory then
cd tests
make tests_gpu

Then look at the results in gpu/tmp-blabla
(look at fldiff.report and at all the *.out files).
If everything is OK, your Abinit build is correct.
If not, ...

ABINIT+Cuda is in beta stage; there are still some problems... especially if you use multidataset mode (ndtset>1).

Marc Torrent
Marc Torrent
CEA - Bruyères-le-Chatel
