Cell+ion relaxation with electric displacement
Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 6:16 pm
Dear all,
I'm trying to do a full (cell shape+atom position) relaxation with a non-null electric displacement with abinit version 7.6.4 . This is the setting I'm using:
After printing
it exits without any error message. Is there any conflicting/wrong option I'm using?
Thanks a lot in advance for your help
I'm trying to do a full (cell shape+atom position) relaxation with a non-null electric displacement with abinit version 7.6.4 . This is the setting I'm using:
Code: Select all
ixc 3
#Parameters of the SCF cycles
iscf 4
nstep 2000
toldfe 1.0d-10
#Plane wave basis and k-point grid
ecut 800 eV
ecutsm 0.5
dilatmx 1.30
ngkpt 7 7 7
ndtset 1 jdtset 1
##DATASET1 : full cell optimization
kptopt1 3
ionmov1 3
optcell1 1
ntime1 200
tolmxf1 5.0d-6
restartxf1 -1
nband1 20 # with a finite field, nband must be = num occupied bands
berryopt1 16
red_dfield1 0.0 0.0 0.001
After printing
Code: Select all
Summary of the results
Electronic Berry phase -5.641126032E-01
Ionic phase 0.000000000E+00
Total phase -5.641126032E-01
Remapping in [-1,1] -5.641126032E-01
P(1) Shifted polarization branch to minimize red_efield k from -5.641126032E-01 by -1
Polarization 7.885445358E-03 (a.u. of charge)/bohr^2
Polarization 4.511638753E-01 C/m^2
Computing the polarization (Berry phase) for reciprocal vector:
0.00000 0.14286 0.00000 (in reduced coordinates)
0.00000 0.01921 0.00000 (in cartesian coordinates - atomic units)
Number of strings: 49
Number of k points in string: 7
it exits without any error message. Is there any conflicting/wrong option I'm using?
Thanks a lot in advance for your help