Cs2AgBiCl6 structural optimizati under pressure boxcut error
Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2019 8:09 am
Hello ABINIT forums,
I am currently working on the structural optimization of the double perovskite Cs2AgBiCl6 under 15 GPa of pressure. I have already read many posts of this general topic on the forum and from other sources. This is what I've managed to come up within my input file. The problem I am encountering is as follows:
Choice of acell, ngfft, and ecut
===> basis sphere extends BEYOND fft box !
Recall that boxcut=Gcut(box)/Gcut(sphere) must be > 1.
Action : try larger ngfft or smaller ecut.
Note that ecut=effcut/boxcut**2 and effcut= 37.823589
What can I change to resolve this issue?
I am currently working on the structural optimization of the double perovskite Cs2AgBiCl6 under 15 GPa of pressure. I have already read many posts of this general topic on the forum and from other sources. This is what I've managed to come up within my input file. The problem I am encountering is as follows:
Choice of acell, ngfft, and ecut
===> basis sphere extends BEYOND fft box !
Recall that boxcut=Gcut(box)/Gcut(sphere) must be > 1.
Action : try larger ngfft or smaller ecut.
Note that ecut=effcut/boxcut**2 and effcut= 37.823589
What can I change to resolve this issue?