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xred and wyckoff

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 2:04 pm
by mina
Dear all,
i am confused with xred and wyckoff position.i have studied xred from input variables but i can not understand it.
would you please help me to understand them?
Best regards.

Re: xred and wyckoff

Posted: Thu May 02, 2013 3:25 am
by jzwanzig
Please give a specific example of your question.

Re: xred and wyckoff

Posted: Sat May 04, 2013 7:36 am
by mina
Dear jzwanzig,
thanks for your atteention. i found xreds are fractional coordinates. i wana to know in Bilbao Crystallographic Server site - wyckoff positions are xred or fractional coordinate too?.would you please guide me to know can i use this wyckoff positions in this site as xred?
Best regards.

Re: xred and wyckoff

Posted: Sat May 04, 2013 12:33 pm
by jzwanzig
The Wyckoff positions are given in fractional coordinates of the cell sides.