Dear ABINIT forum members,
The UCLouvain has an open position (deadline November 27, 2014)
for a Research Engineer position (= "Logisticien de recherche" in French),
see the Web page .
The succesfull person :
- will support the development , maintenance, quality control and support for developers and users , of various simulation software applications in the field of Ab Initio calculation of material properties , nanostructures and molecules;
- will be involved in the training of researchers ( PhD students, thesis students , post- docs) to the software applications ;
- provide support to academic members of the research division for academic writing research projects in the above field.
The focus is especially on the ABINIT software application and its user and developer community (especially within the European Theoretical Spectroscopy Facility) , as well as software projects whose collaborative relationships with ABINIT are or will be established.