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Question on non collinear calculations.

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 4:49 am
by sidiq
Hi I was wondering if anyone has performed a non-collinear magnetism calculation, meaning using nspinor=2 in a GW calculation. I have obtained the *DEN and the *KSS file but when I want to perform a screening calculation it asks me to add the terms

usewvl 1
iscf 2
icoulomb 1

If I'm not mistaken usewvl 1 asks for a wavelet calculation and I don't want to perform that. It gives me this error at the end as well

Coarse resolution grid: Number of segments= 1137 points= 28991
STOP ml1 < nl1

If anyone can provide any insight, or even better a job script for me to learn, I would greatly appreciate it.

Re: Question on non collinear calculations.

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 4:21 am
by nancynaguib
any success i am facing the same problem?