Optics run
Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2020 5:40 pm
In the second run of optic I have this error. The first Run completes, then I copy the input variables of toptic_2.in into the toptc_1, but it gives below error
--- !ERROR
src_file: m_optic_tools.F90
src_line: 977
mpi_rank: 0
message: |
Aborting now
Please help me if any one of you have an idea to solve it
In the second run of optic I have this error. The first Run completes, then I copy the input variables of toptic_2.in into the toptc_1, but it gives below error
--- !ERROR
src_file: m_optic_tools.F90
src_line: 977
mpi_rank: 0
message: |
Aborting now
Please help me if any one of you have an idea to solve it