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Segmentation Fault on tutorial 1

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 10:51 pm
by dgontier
Dear GW group,

I have installed the new version of Abinit (7.6.2), and I tried to run the first tutorial, when I got a segmentation fault error.
Here is my log file.

Did I miss something ?
Thank you for your help,



Re: Segmentation Fault on tutorial 1

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 10:16 am
by dgontier
I tried to upload the file in this forum, but it seems that, probably due to the size, the only effect was to erase your previous answer...

Anyway, thank you for you answer. You can find the executable here :



Re: Segmentation Fault on tutorial 1

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 12:14 pm
by martinspenke
any way i can not run the executable since i get the "bash: ./abinit: Permission denied" message.
I assume you have built abinit as root. So this is for me of no use.
By the way please give me the 64 bit version of the abinit!


Re: Segmentation Fault on tutorial 1

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 4:19 pm
by dgontier
Hi again,

I am not sure to understand everything. I replaced the first abinit executable by the one found in abinit-7.6.2/src/98_main . I have just recompile it without any sudo command.
Could you tell me if it is working for you ?

Btw, I had trouble when compiling abinit. It worked fine when I put ./configure "FCFLAGS = -g -ffree-line-length-none".


Re: Segmentation Fault on tutorial 1

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 6:59 pm
by martinspenke

your executable does not work for me.
So i compiled the abinit 7.6.2 by my self.
I DO NOT get your error "segmentation fault" which is based on improper memory reference
BUT another error arises which is probably due to a programming bug.

Please have a look at my tgw1.log


Re: Segmentation Fault on tutorial 1

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 7:19 pm
by martinspenke
But any way i am using ABINIT 7.4.3 version, and this seems really to be a very stale version.
Is there any specific reason you like to use 7.6.2 ?


Re: Segmentation Fault on tutorial 1

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 8:33 pm
by dgontier
Thank you for your answer.
No, I think I can try with 7.4.3.

I will install it, and let you know.

Re: Segmentation Fault on tutorial 1

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 3:54 pm
by dgontier
Hello again,

It did not work.
I did some tests. Here are my conclusions.
I work with an Apple machine (one of the latest MacBook Pro).

If I try ./configure, I have no error message (cf out_configure). However, I have trouble with make, the same as found in this post ( viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1514 ). It seems that it is an assembler problem.

I then tried the solution proposed in the other topic.
I run ./configure --enable-optim="yes" CFLAGS_OPTIM="-O2" FCFLAGS_OPTIM="-O2". I have no trouble with make, but I have the same Segmentation Fault in the first GW test.

I'll try to put some log files later, but for some reasons, I have other problems when I try to redo this sequence...

The good news is that I can run abinit on another machine (Linux), and it works fine.


Re: Segmentation Fault on tutorial 1

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 7:17 pm
by martinspenke
I run it only on a Linux machine and it works fine. So this Abinit version on Linux is really fantastic.
Other machines are mostly devil's sisters and brothers.
With best wishes