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PAW and ETSF-IO (netCDF) output

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2014 5:49 am
by temok
Dear Forum Members,

I wonder if it is possible to produce a non-SCF WFK (bandstructure) file in ETSF-IO format for a PAW run.

Running the usual
DS1: ground state DENsity run
with accesswff = 3 for both DS's fails with the following message:

Code: Select all

   The support for the internal variables of PAW are not yet
     available with ETSF output. Restarting calculation from this
     will not be possible.
     Action : produce a density or potential file using the old
     binary format of ABINIT, and restart from it.

Therefore I tried:

DS1: gound state DEN, using accesswf = 0
DS2: nonSCF WFK, using accesswf = 3

then DS1 is succesful, but DS2 fails, complaining that it cannot find a DENsity file in ETSF format (as expected, such DEN file was produced in the old binary format, due to accessfw=0).

Is there any work around this?

With regards,