Zero Unit Cell Volume in Dispersion Calculation
Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2019 4:30 pm
Hi All,
I'm following the RF2 tutorial ( to calculate the dispersion in a tetragonal unit cell.
I've used the following unit cell parameters in other calculations without issue:
acell 5 6 7
scalecart 1 1 .9640
rprim 1 0 0
0 1 0
0 0 1
But in this run, I'm now getting the error: " Input rprim and acell gives vanishing unit cell volume.
This indicates linear dependency between primitive lattice vectors
Action: correct either rprim or acell in input file."
The primitive vectors are definitely not linearly dependent. I checked the source code abinit-8.10.2/src/41_geometry/m_geometry.F90, and it seems this error message is given if the absolute value of unit cell volume is less than some tolerance, which can't be right.
Has anyone ever resolved this issue?
I'm following the RF2 tutorial ( to calculate the dispersion in a tetragonal unit cell.
I've used the following unit cell parameters in other calculations without issue:
acell 5 6 7
scalecart 1 1 .9640
rprim 1 0 0
0 1 0
0 0 1
But in this run, I'm now getting the error: " Input rprim and acell gives vanishing unit cell volume.
This indicates linear dependency between primitive lattice vectors
Action: correct either rprim or acell in input file."
The primitive vectors are definitely not linearly dependent. I checked the source code abinit-8.10.2/src/41_geometry/m_geometry.F90, and it seems this error message is given if the absolute value of unit cell volume is less than some tolerance, which can't be right.
Has anyone ever resolved this issue?