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Script to plot the full GW bandstructure

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2013 9:39 am
by Mutta
Dear all

I used script to plot full GW band structure by python. In this script needed * + *_GW file
after that I used command by type
# python + cubo2_GW
I got error like this usage: [-h] files error: unrecognized arguments: cubo2_GW

Please suggestion

Abdulmutta Thatribud
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science
Prince of Songkla University, Thailand

Re: Script to plot the full GW bandstructure

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2013 9:46 am
by david.waroquiers
Dear Mutta,

The script you have to use is

You would then do :

python cubo2_GW (without the +)

Note that you need numpy and matplotlib installed in your python path.


Re: Script to plot the full GW bandstructure

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2013 7:05 pm
by Mutta
Dear David

After as you suggest, I got ERROR see below
ERROR: the number of spins/kpoints is not the same in the GW and DFT files used to make the interpolation ... exiting now

For DFT band I used kpoints 4 4 4 and shifted 0 0 0
For GW file I also used kpoints 4 4 4 and shifted 0 0 0
but the error is the same

Please help

Re: Script to plot the full GW bandstructure

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2013 9:14 pm
by david.waroquiers
Dear Mutta,

Could you please post all your input files that you used to generate the *GW and * file as well as these two files ? Otherwise, its difficult to tell you what's wrong ...


Re: Script to plot the full GW bandstructure

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 8:22 am
by Mutta
Dear David

I sent you my input file for LDA, and for GW,
and also output file *.nc and *_GW

For *.nc and *_GW, I tried to attach two files but the extension is not allowed
Can you tell me how can I do it


Re: Script to plot the full GW bandstructure

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 9:03 pm
by david.waroquiers

In order to attach these file, one workaround would be to rename them as and

For the interpolation, are you using the from the second dataset of your cubo2 input file ? If not, that might be the error that you get.

Indeed, you should do :

python cubo2_DS4_GW

(or something like that, depending on the name scheme you use, as defined in the *files file)


Re: Script to plot the full GW bandstructure

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 5:58 am
by Mutta
Dear David

Yes, I used the second dataset.

I sent you again for output file coming from LDA with second dataset and G0W0

Thank you

Re: Script to plot the full GW bandstructure

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 9:16 am
by Mutta
Dear David

Now, I got full gw band structure and you are right for * and *_GW should be from dataset 2 as GW run
and then used * coming from LDA.

Thank you for your help

Re: Script to plot the full GW bandstructure

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 10:11 am
by thanusit
Dear David

Hope it's ok to append my question to this post.

Following the above discussion, I've tried using the script with silicon and got the gw-interpolated band structure (*.bandstructure file) at the end.
I noticed that the energies in the *.bandstructure file seems to be given in "Hartree". Is this true? I would like to be sure that I got things right.
If so, is there any way to get the energy in the *.bandstructure file in "eV" directly from running the script?
