abinit 8.4.2: netcdf fallback not working?
Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 12:51 pm
We compiled Abinit 8.4.2 with icc/ifort 16.0.4 and corresponding MKL and Intel MPI with netcdf-fallback. Everything compiles fine. No errors at run time. But when running anaddb, we don't get any .nc files. "abinit -b" confirms it should be there:
=== Connectors / Fallbacks ===
Connectors on : yes
Fallbacks on : yes
DFT flavor : libxc-fallback+atompaw-fallback+wannier90-fallback
FFT flavor : fftw3-mkl
LINALG flavor : mkl
MATH flavor : none
TIMER flavor : abinit
TRIO flavor : netcdf-fallback
Any idea which test we can perform to check whether netcdf is working properly? Or how to fix this problem? Thanks in advance!
We compiled Abinit 8.4.2 with icc/ifort 16.0.4 and corresponding MKL and Intel MPI with netcdf-fallback. Everything compiles fine. No errors at run time. But when running anaddb, we don't get any .nc files. "abinit -b" confirms it should be there:
=== Connectors / Fallbacks ===
Connectors on : yes
Fallbacks on : yes
DFT flavor : libxc-fallback+atompaw-fallback+wannier90-fallback
FFT flavor : fftw3-mkl
LINALG flavor : mkl
MATH flavor : none
TIMER flavor : abinit
TRIO flavor : netcdf-fallback
Any idea which test we can perform to check whether netcdf is working properly? Or how to fix this problem? Thanks in advance!