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Postdoctoral position on Hybrid functionals. CEA, France

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 9:35 am
by amadon
A postdoctoral position is available in the Commissariat à l’Énergie Atomique (CEA, Bruyères le Châtel, south of Paris, France) in the condensed matter group. The postdoctoral position is available for one year, renewable upon mutual agreement and will start between Septembre 2011 and the beginning of 2012. The net salary will be around 2300 euros.

The project focus on Hybrid Functionals in DFT and their application to solids. Your work will in particular focus on the implementation of new Hybrid Functionals in a Plane Wave - Projector Augmented Wave code. The goal will be to compare their efficiency for solids and in particular for strongly correlated systems. The comparison and/or coupling with other descriptions of the correlation (DFT+U,DFT+DMFT) will be studied.

Scientific environment:
You will join a young theoretical group of research which studies both methodological aspects of electronic structure calculations for solids (e.g DFT, DFPT, DMFT), and various area of condensed matter physics (e.g. electronic correlation, phase transition).

The CEA is the leading french national center for numerical simulations and has also access to excellent computational resources in several high performance computing centers.


The successful applicant will have obtained his PhD for less than two years. He/she should have a solid background in solid state physics, a thorough knowledge of Density Functional Theory. Extensive experience in development is a requisite for this position.

If your are interested and motivated by this project, please send a detailed CV including names and contacts of two reference persons, and a letter of application to Bernard Amadon ( and Marc Torrent ( Inquiries about the position can be sent to the same adress.