I have run a job about computation of non-linear optical susceptibilities for two months, unfortunately, the job was killed by my careless manager.
The job was stopped in DATASET4, and most job of this DATASET has been completed.
If I want to continue the job from the end of DATASET4 , how to do that ?
Thanks !
the input file is supplied :
Code: Select all
# Linear and nonlinear response calculation
# Perturbations: electric fields & atomic displacements
# (M. Veithen, 21.4.2005)
#Definition of lattice parameters
acell 2.1514196567E+01 1.0930762115E+01 2.1913430467E+01 Bohr
angdeg 90.00000000 89.15405976 90.00000000
#Definition of atomic positions and types
natom 32
ntypat 3
znucl 11 33 34
typat 8*1 8*2 16*3
xred 9.7952872705E-01 4.7802694231E-01 7.6400207817E-01
2.3853805048E-01 9.8178542576E-01 2.4386528385E-01
4.7998601442E-01 5.0972762118E-01 7.3663927906E-01
7.3818964742E-01 5.2768042659E-01 5.0131769572E-01
9.7952872705E-01 -4.7802694231E-01 1.2640020782E+00
2.3853805048E-01 -9.8178542576E-01 7.4386528385E-01
4.7998601442E-01 -5.0972762118E-01 1.2366392791E+00
7.3818964742E-01 -5.2768042659E-01 1.0013176957E+00
7.4380025684E-01 9.3299475525E-01 7.7576256468E-01
2.9307365002E-04 9.1639727973E-01 -4.2041522417E-03
2.4094987151E-01 5.4607695553E-01 9.6440799078E-01
4.9815309108E-01 9.8226685013E-01 9.5348113633E-01
7.4380025684E-01 -9.3299475525E-01 1.2757625647E+00
2.9307365002E-04 -9.1639727973E-01 4.9579584776E-01
2.4094987151E-01 -5.4607695553E-01 1.4644079908E+00
4.9815309108E-01 -9.8226685013E-01 1.4534811363E+00
9.6396337901E-01 9.7936941322E-01 7.9685495820E-01
2.2929107707E-01 5.1868627655E-01 7.6630383948E-01
4.6092710204E-01 5.8373017861E-01 9.8874037255E-01
5.0203857945E-01 9.8897530069E-01 2.5480739275E-01
7.1231004160E-01 9.7372615953E-01 9.8154633776E-01
2.1614239417E-01 9.5830849506E-01 9.9433331845E-01
9.9806264760E-01 4.8087697596E-01 5.1414702901E-01
7.3031610201E-01 5.3770831975E-01 7.5162494626E-01
9.6396337901E-01 -9.7936941322E-01 1.2968549582E+00
2.2929107707E-01 -5.1868627655E-01 1.2663038395E+00
4.6092710204E-01 -5.8373017861E-01 1.4887403726E+00
5.0203857945E-01 -9.8897530069E-01 7.5480739275E-01
7.1231004160E-01 -9.7372615953E-01 1.4815463378E+00
2.1614239417E-01 -9.5830849506E-01 1.4943333184E+00
9.9806264760E-01 -4.8087697596E-01 1.0141470290E+00
7.3031610201E-01 -5.3770831975E-01 1.2516249463E+00
ixc 3 # ???
#Parameters of the SCF cycles
iscf 7
nstep 100
#Plane wave basis and k-point grid
ecut 45
ecutsm 0.5
dilatmx 1.05
ngkpt 4 6 4
nshiftk 1
shiftk 0.5 0.5 0.5
ndtset 5
#DATASET1 : scf calculation: GS WF in the BZ
prtden1 1
kptopt1 1
toldfe1 1.0d-12
#DATASET2 : non scf calculation: GS WF in the whole BZ
getden2 1
kptopt2 2
iscf2 -2
getwfk2 1
tolwfr2 1.0d-22
nband2 72 # is it need to set nband in dataset1 ??
#DATASET3 : ddk on the MP grid of k-points
getwfk3 2
rfdir3 1 1 1
rfelfd3 2
tolwfr3 1.0d-22
nband3 72
kptopt3 2
#DATASET4 : ddE on the MP grid of k-points
prtden4 1
getwfk4 2
getddk4 3
rfdir4 1 1 1
rfphon4 1
rfatpol4 1 32
tolvrs4 1.0d-12
rfelfd4 3
nband4 72
kptopt4 2
prepanl4 1
#DATASET5 : 3DTE calculation
getden5 1
get1den5 4
getwfk5 2
get1wf5 4
nband5 72
kptopt5 2
optdriver5 5
rf1elfd5 1
rf1phon5 1
rf1atpol5 1 32
rf1dir5 1 1 1
rf2elfd5 1
rf2dir5 1 1 1
rf3elfd5 1
rf3dir5 1 1 1
nbdbuf 0