CECAM ABINIT tutorial May 12-16 2014 Lyon
Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2014 10:03 pm
Please, see below, the announcement of the CECAM School on
"Dynamical, dielectric and magnetic properties of solids with ABINIT"
that will take place from May 12 to 16, 2014 at the Ecole Normale Supérieure of Lyon, France.
Best wishes,
Xavier, for the organizers (Razvan Caracas, Matthieu Verstraete, Philippe Ghosez, Eric Bousquet, and me)
CECAM School on "Dynamical, dielectric and magnetic properties of solids with ABINIT"
Monday May 12 (8:25am) to Friday May 16 (3:30pm), 2014 . Ecole Normale Supérieure of Lyon, France.
This tutorial is aimed to young students and postdocs interested in first-principle calculations of vibrational spectroscopies, thermal properties, non-linear dynamical properties, couplings with strain, with electric field, with magnetic field ... With more than 1200 registered users, ABINIT is a well-established open software package for the first-principles calculations of the properties of solids. One of the strengths of the package is the straightforward computation and easy analysis of such various physical quantities using the linear and non-linear responses formalism. Applications will concern a wide variety of materials such as semiconductors, ferroelectrics, piezoelectrics and multiferroics, insulators, crystalline and disordered materials, nanostructures, Earth and planetary materials, etc.
This tutorial will include two types of activities : (1) lectures on theory, algorithms and implementations, usually in the morning sessions and (2) hands-on exercises, usually in the afternoon sessions. From our previous experience, this type of tutorial typically attracts two kinds of students: some advanced students who already know the basic of Density-Functional Theory (DFT) and want to learn about linear and non-linear responses, and some beginner students who need to acquire some basic background about DFT before going further in the response formalism. To make the tutorial attractive and highly beneficial to all students, we will deal with 2 groups in parallel, likely during the first two days, giving lectures on the projector-augmented wave (PAW) implementation to advanced students during the time beginners learn the basic of DFT and its implementation in ABINIT. Then, all students will follow the same lecture. The tuning of the program is still on-going.
For more information, and in order to apply for the school, please go to http://www.cecam.org/workshop-1045.html
Deadline for registration : March 15, 2014
Acceptance notification expected around April 1, 2014.
There will be no registration fee.
Although we intent to cover a substantial fraction of the local expenses for the students (housing and meals), confirmation of allocation
will only be done at the time of the notification of acceptance. Travel expenses for students will not be covered.
"Dynamical, dielectric and magnetic properties of solids with ABINIT"
that will take place from May 12 to 16, 2014 at the Ecole Normale Supérieure of Lyon, France.
Best wishes,
Xavier, for the organizers (Razvan Caracas, Matthieu Verstraete, Philippe Ghosez, Eric Bousquet, and me)
CECAM School on "Dynamical, dielectric and magnetic properties of solids with ABINIT"
Monday May 12 (8:25am) to Friday May 16 (3:30pm), 2014 . Ecole Normale Supérieure of Lyon, France.
This tutorial is aimed to young students and postdocs interested in first-principle calculations of vibrational spectroscopies, thermal properties, non-linear dynamical properties, couplings with strain, with electric field, with magnetic field ... With more than 1200 registered users, ABINIT is a well-established open software package for the first-principles calculations of the properties of solids. One of the strengths of the package is the straightforward computation and easy analysis of such various physical quantities using the linear and non-linear responses formalism. Applications will concern a wide variety of materials such as semiconductors, ferroelectrics, piezoelectrics and multiferroics, insulators, crystalline and disordered materials, nanostructures, Earth and planetary materials, etc.
This tutorial will include two types of activities : (1) lectures on theory, algorithms and implementations, usually in the morning sessions and (2) hands-on exercises, usually in the afternoon sessions. From our previous experience, this type of tutorial typically attracts two kinds of students: some advanced students who already know the basic of Density-Functional Theory (DFT) and want to learn about linear and non-linear responses, and some beginner students who need to acquire some basic background about DFT before going further in the response formalism. To make the tutorial attractive and highly beneficial to all students, we will deal with 2 groups in parallel, likely during the first two days, giving lectures on the projector-augmented wave (PAW) implementation to advanced students during the time beginners learn the basic of DFT and its implementation in ABINIT. Then, all students will follow the same lecture. The tuning of the program is still on-going.
For more information, and in order to apply for the school, please go to http://www.cecam.org/workshop-1045.html
Deadline for registration : March 15, 2014
Acceptance notification expected around April 1, 2014.
There will be no registration fee.
Although we intent to cover a substantial fraction of the local expenses for the students (housing and meals), confirmation of allocation
will only be done at the time of the notification of acceptance. Travel expenses for students will not be covered.