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La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 tetragonal

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2015 8:06 am
by hammouri
Hi guys,
I need an input file for the tetragonal phase of La2/3Sr1/3MnO3,

Re: La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 tetragonal

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2015 6:32 pm
by hammouri
ANY HELP PLEASE!! :cry: :cry:

Re: La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 tetragonal

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 1:51 pm
by ebousquet
Dear Hammouri,
Did you try to built an input for your system?
The deal is that you first try on your side and if you don't succeed we can see what are your problems with your system.
The tutorials are very helpfull to learn how to make an input for Abinit step by step, did you go through them first?

Re: La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 tetragonal

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 2:46 pm
by jzwanzig
you will have to model the disorder somehow, either with supercells or special quasirandom structures. This in itself is complex and requires much testing on large systems.