rfstrs RF problem for PAW pseudopotentials
Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 7:39 pm
I'm trying to test new algorithm for RF calculations with PAW pseudopotentials. abinit 6.8.2 is compiled
with ifort 11.1.069 and openmpi 1.2.8 on Linux system. The rfphon perturbation part is OK, at the Gamma
point I get the frequencies close to those obtained with other pseudopotentials. However every time I add
the rfstrs command in the input file (stress perturbation), I get the segmentation fault in the mkcor3 subroutine.
Has anyone succeeded in these calculations?
- Alexander
I'm trying to test new algorithm for RF calculations with PAW pseudopotentials. abinit 6.8.2 is compiled
with ifort 11.1.069 and openmpi 1.2.8 on Linux system. The rfphon perturbation part is OK, at the Gamma
point I get the frequencies close to those obtained with other pseudopotentials. However every time I add
the rfstrs command in the input file (stress perturbation), I get the segmentation fault in the mkcor3 subroutine.
Has anyone succeeded in these calculations?
- Alexander