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Abinit for windows 10 64bits

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2020 10:29 pm
by stalebhacine
Hello, please, I am a newbie and need precompiled (I mean just ready to use in windows 10 64bits without doing anything, or maybe just installing it as ordinary windows programs) , if not please a step by step instruction with cygwin and after abinit to use in windows 10 64 bits. thanks again

Re: Abinit for windows 10 64bits

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2020 3:33 pm
by jbeuken

no package available for now

see this topic here

Re: Abinit for windows 10 64bits

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2020 2:41 pm
by stalebhacine
Thanks very much

Re: Abinit for windows 10 64bits

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2020 9:01 am
by letuan
Hi stalebhacine,
You can enable the Linux Subsystem in Windows 10 (in Apps and Features), then choose some simplified Linux version from MS Store. And compile Abinit package like in a real Linux system.
But, be aware, because recently I have found that it is not able to update/add packages for MS versions of, for example,
At the present, I am facing a problem with error:
/abinit-8.10.3/src/52_fft_mpi_noabirule/m_fftw3.F90:3247: more undefined references to `sfftw_execute_dft_' follow
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
for the versions 8.10.x in Ubuntu with this Windows 10 subsystem.