gcc on a Macbook: living with an AVX-enabled processor
Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 1:46 am
Dear all,
This issue has been discussed here and there on the forum, but I find no satisfactory answer to the problem.
Upon compiling Abinit (libxc+netcdf) with gcc-4.9 and openmpi on a Macbook Pro (Intel Core i7 processor), the build fails with a series of errors like
This kind of error is traced back to the assembler, which does not supports AVX instructions, and is incompatible with the processor in this respect.
It was suggested to use gcc of MacPorts (instead of Homebrew), but that does not solve the problem. Other suggestions out there were to use specific compilation flags, such as ‘-Wa,-q’ or ‘-msse4.2’, which give several warnings like and result in a compiled code that fails to run.
Does anyone have a solution?
This issue has been discussed here and there on the forum, but I find no satisfactory answer to the problem.
Upon compiling Abinit (libxc+netcdf) with gcc-4.9 and openmpi on a Macbook Pro (Intel Core i7 processor), the build fails with a series of errors like
Code: Select all
/var/folders/_0/7xntnmw90qzd28wc1b3hxz140000gn/T//cc19FSRv.s:67932:no such instruction: `vmovss %xmm0, 8(%rsp)'
This kind of error is traced back to the assembler, which does not supports AVX instructions, and is incompatible with the processor in this respect.
It was suggested to use gcc of MacPorts (instead of Homebrew), but that does not solve the problem. Other suggestions out there were to use specific compilation flags, such as ‘-Wa,-q’ or ‘-msse4.2’, which give several warnings like
Code: Select all
/opt/local/bin/ranlib: file: lib41_xc_lowlevel.a(interfaces_41_xc_lowlevel.o) has no symbols
Does anyone have a solution?