head of the chi0 in the limit q-->0
Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 7:22 am
I was following the tutorial for GW and I repeated the tutorial for Aluminum. I was looking at the log file from the second dataset and I am confused by looking at the matrix elements of chi0 for q--> 0 ( 0.000010 0.000020 0.000030). So if one looks at the head of chi0 and the wings the matrix elements are all zero and I dont quite understand that because the G=0,G'=0 matrix element for zero frequency should be the density of states at the fermi level because that is the q->0 limit of the Lindhard expression but instead the code prints out zero. So is this due to way the code is doing the calculation? Can someone please explain that. It will be very helpful.
I was following the tutorial for GW and I repeated the tutorial for Aluminum. I was looking at the log file from the second dataset and I am confused by looking at the matrix elements of chi0 for q--> 0 ( 0.000010 0.000020 0.000030). So if one looks at the head of chi0 and the wings the matrix elements are all zero and I dont quite understand that because the G=0,G'=0 matrix element for zero frequency should be the density of states at the fermi level because that is the q->0 limit of the Lindhard expression but instead the code prints out zero. So is this due to way the code is doing the calculation? Can someone please explain that. It will be very helpful.