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Errors of NLO calculation with "anaddb < tnlo_5.files"

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2020 10:09 am
by cocoinsky
Dear Sir,
I want to ask a question about dealing NLO calculation with "Analysis of the DDB" in the link:,
(Linear and non-linear responses from density functional perturbation theory (DFPT))
which is the fifth step with the command "anaddb < tnlo_5.files > out5".
The is that:
  • rfmeth 1
    enunit 0
    eivec 1
    chneut 2
    selectz 0
    # Flags
    dieflag 1
    ifcflag 0
    thmflag 0
    nlflag 1
    elaflag 3
    piezoflag 3
    instrflag 1
    # Nonlinear response calculation
    ramansr 1
    alphon 1
    prtmbm 1
    # Wavevector list number 1
    nph1l 1
    qph1l 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 #
    # Wave vector list no. 2
    nph2l 1
    qph2l 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0
The error is that :
  • --- !ERROR
    src_file: anaddb.F90
    src_line: 436
    mpi_rank: 0
    message: |
    Cannot find block corresponding to non-linear optical susceptibilities in DDB file
I have calculated the official examples for AlAs, no errors appeared. Then, I choose LiIO3 as my first start to calculate the NLO properties. But always with this error. Hope for your help!

Detail input is submitted as attachments! Looking forward to your reply!

Re: Errors of NLO calculation with "anaddb < tnlo_5.files"

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2020 8:09 am
by ebousquet
Dear cocoinsky,
This is because you have forgotten to update the input flag rfatpol according to the number of atom you have in your new unit cell. AlAs has 2 atoms but you have more atoms in your case (10). The code is thus complaining that some derivative terms are missing because you asked to do atomic displacement perturbations with atom 1 and 2 only.
Best wishes,